Movies Suck Lately


Rock Star
Is it just me or have the movies really sucked lately? I recall in the past there use to be block busters all the time. Now it seems like your lucky to have one a year. :cry:
rwolf said:
Is it just me or have the movies really sucked lately? I recall in the past there use to be block busters all the time. Now it seems like your lucky to have one a year. :cry:

Yep, agree. Havent seen a really good movie comming out for more than 2or3 years. Too much crappy stories (remakes, directors cuts, cartoon heroes) and rushed CG effects (mayb 1 or 2 exceptions)
Well your in luck, at least one movie is fast approaching that will blow your socks off. Serenity. Ive started pacing back and forth waiting for this movie. It will be the first one i go to the theater to watch in the last year.

I liked a few. Mr. and Mrs. Smith was hilarious, I laughed my arse off. Sin City was really cool. Batman Begins was not bad, although not outstanding.
I haven't seen a movie i'd call outstanding in a very long time. I think Finding Nemo was the last one. Maybe Eternal Sunshine. Not sure if they're after the LOTR trilogy, which i'd call outstanding under any aspect. And they're all quite old.

It seems that quick cash-in's are the norm these days. Make the movie, release it, make money, NEXT! Without worrying about the quality of the movie itself.

There are always indipendent movies that stuck to people's minds though. They're not blockbusters but they can certainly be outstanding.
The next Harry Potter movie is coming out this fall, which looks like it should be good. Also, Corpse Bride is coming out soon, and Tim Burton usually seems to put on a good show. :)

london-boy said:
I haven't seen a movie i'd call outstanding in a very long time. I think Finding Nemo was the last one.

Good movie, took my boy to it. Does this mean I am gay?