Mother boards and ram


Celebrating Mediocrity
I am in the process of building another comp. I'm quite familiar with everything i need to get. But i have a question about motherboards and ram. Whats a good motherboard company? I'm currently running an ABIT and i have had no problems with it. In fact i enjoy it rather much. Also what ever happened to RDRAM? NOTHING supports it anymore. It's just DDR. Is DDR faster? If not what company makes a good motherboard that supports RD?

thanks fellas-

Jim Norton said:
I am in the process of building another comp. I'm quite familiar with everything i need to get. But i have a question about motherboards and ram. Whats a good motherboard company? I'm currently running an ABIT and i have had no problems with it. In fact i enjoy it rather much. Also what ever happened to RDRAM? NOTHING supports it anymore. It's just DDR. Is DDR faster? If not what company makes a good motherboard that supports RD?

Abit or Asus have good reps. Everyone gave up on RDRAM, including Intel. DDR2 got adopted because no one wanted to pay for RDRAM licences from Rambus.
Stay with Abit, Asus, you'll be okay.

RDRAM went the way of the dodo a while ago (in the pc memory sector at least)

What platform exaclty are you planning on building? Athlon, A-64, P4? We can give you better advice if we have more information :)
zsouthboy said:
Stay with Abit, Asus, you'll be okay.

RDRAM went the way of the dodo a while ago (in the pc memory sector at least)

What platform exaclty are you planning on building? Athlon, A-64, P4? We can give you better advice if we have more information :)

I'm goingall out . I'm waiting until processors hit 4.5 and buying one of those. At least a gig of ram and another 9800 pro.
I'm about to upgrade my ram in my current rig. How do i know how many pins the ram is? My motherboard supports RDRAM and i've searched the manual for it to explain how many pins, but no such info is provided. I'm pretty sure it's 184 but how can i be postive?
LOL your waiting till 4.5 eh, you might as well ask then and not now. You realize intel is going to slow down instead of speed up in the future right?
rdram is still being supported by one chipset manf. I believe its a sis chipset. So you could get a mobo that supports the latest p4 and keep your rdram.
