More whining on Horvendile's computer


Recently the stupid thing has started to really annoy me, and not just by being old.

1: Quite often when I start WinXP, just as it is about to switch to the desktop picture, the computer reboots. Sometimes it is able to start properly the scond time, sometimes it resets again. This seems correlated to switching to WinXP*, but also the addition of a new HD.

2: Sound sometimes freezes, both in Winamp and games (Europa Universalis 2). It lasts for about a second or a half, and I think that everything else also freezes at the same time. This is something that has started happening some time after the latest hardware and OS switch, as in "not directly after".

Any idea what the cause could be, and if it is the same cause? Hardware or software? For the reboots I would be inclined to blame the PSU out of habit, but it never spontaneously reboots once XP is loaded properly. I have a CPU fan that is slowly failing, but so far CPU overheating is not an explanation.

Perhaps I should add that I have a KT133A chipset and an SBLive, but wasn't the live bug remedied with the 686B sothbridge (or whatever it was called; I have revision B, that much I do know)? And the soundcard has never caused me trouble before.

Thanks in advance for any helpful suggestions.

*Well, XP failing to load would be correlated to installing XP, wouldn't it? But what I mean is that W98 and W2k, which I had installed before, did not do this to me.
horvendile said:
1: Quite often when I start WinXP, just as it is about to switch to the desktop picture, the computer reboots. Sometimes it is able to start properly the scond time, sometimes it resets again. This seems correlated to switching to WinXP*, but also the addition of a new HD.

That could be, and I stress could, dodgy capacitors on your motherboard. Cheap to fix if you know somebody who can replace them for you, expensive if you have to get a new motherboard. Or it could be something else.
debugging this kind of stuff is a pain in the ass. My system was unstable in windows for like a year until I figure out I needed to do a AGP driver update from SIS's webpage. I guess make sure you have all the latest drivers for everything?

From memory, the SBLive and 686B don't play very nicely together. Pull the SBLive and see if you still have the problems. Are you using the latest Via 4-in-1's and the latest BIOS for your board?