Main RSS Feed And Live Bookmarks


The Beyond3D Main News Feed doesn't seem to work with Firefox's Live Bookmarks feature. All the sub-category feeds do work properly...

I suspect this has something to do with a fancy re-direct of some kind, because the main feed also doesn't seem to display in-line in Firefox about every 3rd time you load the page.

This has actually been a problem for some time, but recently it changed. Previously, Firefox would also not display any of the news items in the feed when you click on the feed link directly. As mentioned, it now does, but every so often it doesn't seem to work right (and you get the same old "blank feed" page you got before).

I'd really like for this to work, because I find that I don't visit Beyond3D anywhere near as often as I do with so many of the other sites that do have working RSS feeds. Thanks!!
Hmm, there used to be a bug where I wasn't escaping data that breaks the RSS spec, but I thought I'd caught it. I'll take a look at this tonight and hopefully have it fixed pretty quickly.
Think I nailed it, let me know. Firefox has a pretty strict parser!