Locked Thread: "Could some explain this too me, I just don't understand."


I can guess right a way that hupfinsgack thought this might lead to a vs thread so it was locked, which is very understandable. I would like to discuss this topic and am interested in why there seems to be such a huge following in the belief that the PS3 is technically superior to the X360. I was hoping for this discussion to explore possible reasons this is taking place. It could go anywhere from:
Maybe I am just ignorant of the facts and should think likewise
Maybe Sony's marketing has been successful in relaying this
Maybe it is due to the way Microsoft has marketed their system with such a strong focus on online and software
Maybe it is due to some other unforeseen reason I can't fathom.

If this is not a viable topic for discussion, then I would like to know what I can do to modify this topic and post so that it will be a discussion that is viable on these forums. I am willing to change anything and you guys can set all the boundaries. I am think it would be interesting to discuss why this mindset is so seemingly pervasive. At least to me it is, maybe I am wrong and it isn't nearly as pervasive as I think it is. This is why I would like to discuss it. It looks I went about this discussion in the incorrect way, what is the right way?
Basically I've locked it because topics like that invite trouble. As evidenced by the first post that popped up, it would have been a troll-fest. I could have left it a little bit longer open, but I don't think the thread would have gone anywhere.

The intial post was also a little on the emotional side of things. It almost sounded like you wanted to validate your support for X360. (Note: I am not saying you're an Xbox follower, it's just what it sounded like).

Moreover, you mixed everything together: The technical aspects are one thing, the marketing is another. It just confuscates things.

So what could have worked? I think a more salient topic could have been something like "Dos and Don'ts of console marketing?". Not necessarily a comparison between companies (make sure you bold that in the initial post) but what the posters like / dislike about marketing or what they'd would do differently. Or you could pose the question "how would you market your console?" etc. in the thread.