
"Unlimited Static Lights" - those claims always bug me. There may be no hard limit in the engine, but the hardware can't accommodate unlimited anything. 42 quadrillion dynamic lights? I think not!
If you want to be really pedantic, then with fully procedurally generated levels you could have absolutely limitless everything, although you'd probably ending up with a frame that takes a limitless amount of time to render too... Also, the 3DS's pathetic resolution would make it a pointless exercise anyway as you just can't see fine detail on that screen. :p
If you want to be really pedantic, then with fully procedurally generated levels you could have absolutely limitless everything
No, you can't. Limitless means no constraints. Procedural content will have a limited number of permutations and combinations. At the greatest extreme, for each variables you could have a different value based on the range of the datatype. That's still a finite number, even if a very big one (0.0000001, 0.0000002...99999999 etc). But more typically, games with 'unlimited' operate within a much smaller set of variables, and the results of many of the parameters are nigh identical such as to not be unique to the player. eg. A procedural rectangular room with a cube in it. The cube could have a billion different sizes, and a billion different positions, leading to a quadrillion different levels - but to the end user they're all pretty much the same. For the user, it distil down to maybe 25 different locations (from left wall to right, front to back) and 4 or 5 different cube sizes that actually make a difference, so 'unlimited levels' becomes a quadrillion mathematically, which is infinitely far from unlimited, and 100-200 real permutations as far as the player is concerned.

Er, I'll shut up now and let people talk about this game...
Obviously the meaning would be 'limitless within the constraints of the system'... The word 'limitless' loses all meaning if we're to interpret it as completely unbounded without any restraints whatsoever. You could say the allowed vehicle speed on the autobahn is limitless (true), but then be all pedantic and stuff and say no it isn't, because Einstein says we can't drive our cars faster than the speed of light...which would be silly.
The game is pretty impressive taking into account it runs at 60 fps and we are talking about the 3DS. Cute and functional art. Aside from that, I think the hardware is pretty maxed out with this game.
Cute? Kinda looks like a bunch of guys looked at all the games with space marines in existence and then desparately tried to outdo them in terms of blandness.
Why are you guys discussing the stactic lighting sytem? If it's stactic, its probably all baked, thus the amount of lights really does not influence performance at all.