

Anyway to test a powersupplys voltage output ?

I get wierd hangs and what not . vantec ion 400 watt supply.

Any one ?

You can test the voltage output with a cheap multimeter. If you feel comfortable, test the power under load while the board is plugged in and running. Just set the multimeter to DC V and test between:

Ground (Black) to 12V (Yellow)
Ground (Black) to 5V (Red)
Ground (Black) to 3.3V (Orange)

You can also test the voltage when the PS is not plugged to the board. If short PSOn (Green) to Ground (Black) on the 20pin connector it should turn on the PS. You then can measure the voltages under zero load.

Be very careful, do not do this if you do not feel comfortable, don't take my word for it, check around first. =)

Hope this helps,
Dr. Ffreeze

PS. Even better, you can also check what voltages the motherboard is supplying to various components on the board. I would check the CPU, chipset, and memory voltages. To find nominal voltages, you will need to do a bit of research on your particular board, CPU, and memory (DDR 200~333 2.5V and 400 2.6V).

PS. Voltage issues can be a bitch to find and fix if you don't have the right tools or extra PSs to swap out. Hope it goes well.
yea the problem is the motherboard is reporting all kinds of wierd power fluxes that weren't here a few weeks ago.

cpu 1.5v , +3.3v 1.6 . +5v 8.573vs , +12 10.396v

So its being really wierd. I don't konw if its the bios that is reporting wrong or if my psu just went bad

Take a look at this....

Why Not To Trust Your Motherboard Voltage Reading

Note: the voltage reported by the motherboard actually fluctuated between 11.58, 11.64, and 11.70 Volts. We happened to snap the picture at the repeating low point. The voltage reported by the multimeter did not vary during the 15 minute photographic session.
PS. go to the below link to zoom in...