Help overclocking Asus P4T533-C with 3.06 GHz P4 with HT

Hello everyone, I could really use some help from anyone that still has a 850e socket 478 mobo like mine.

Here is my system setup:

Asus P4T533-C (BIOS 1010)
3.06 GHz P4 with HT
Swifttech MCX478-V heatsink with Enermax adjustable fan and Artic Silver 5
1.5 GHz Samsung PC1066 (2x512 and 2x256)
Thermaltake Purepower 560W PSU
9700 Pro (370/325) with Catalyst 4.7
HIS Excalibur X800XT IceQ to replace the 9700 Pro

I have NEVER overclocked a CPU before and am uncertain about the procedure.

1. Does the FSB on the RAM and CPU need to be the same?
2. What is the danger voltage on this CPU? Which voltage should work the best?
3. Which will limit my overclock first...the RAM or the CPU?
4. Which items should I set in my BIOS such as PCI/AGP lock?
5. Which multiplier and bus speed is likely to work best for this 533 MHx FSB CPU?

Anybody who has this setup, I would greatly appreciate your advice.