Have you ever actually said "lol" in conversation?


Chief Spastic Baboon
I did once, last year. It made me sit back and question exactly what I wanted to do with my life. :?

I said it once, and I scratched my head Laurel and Hardy style and thought to myself, "Golly-jee gosh, shiver me timbers and walk the plank, boy am I messed up or what?!" :LOL:
Yeah, it's almost like you need a stack of flashcards for the different smileys so that you can use them while you talk. :LOL:
no i haven't not lol anyway. possibly because i've never really heard a decent way to pronouce it or more likely because laughing is actually either.

I use 'b0rked' and 'pr0' (in a sarcastic sense) sometimes though although the latter only to other people who play online games fairly regularly as it would be completely lost on someone who doesn't. b0rked you can normally get away with :)

I've not really thought lol either for that matter.

I have occasionally noticed myself trying to find a verbal/expressive equivalent for '...' though :|
How do you pronounce "pwned" or "b0rked"? :LOL:

I don't remember ever having used "lol" in a conversation. But if I did, it wouldn't replace laughter but some "Ha ha"ish expression.

btw, I see nothing wrong with using such expressions in spoken conversation. After all, that's always been how jargon words made their way into everyday language.
kind of like lol really.

If you actually say "what the ****?!" then thats pretty normal. however saying "double you tee eff?!" (or whatever the phonetic spelling for those letters is) is a cause for serious concern imo. :LOL:
Bambers said:
no i haven't not lol anyway. possibly because i've never really heard a decent way to pronouce it or more likely because laughing is actually either.

I pronounce it like "Bull", but with B replaced with L.
Actually the word 'lol' means 'fun' in dutch, so yeah, I imagine there are lots of people using it in casual conversation, and not too far off from what the net.community uses it for.
Humus said:
Bambers said:
no i haven't not lol anyway. possibly because i've never really heard a decent way to pronouce it or more likely because laughing is actually either.

I pronounce it like "Bull", but with B replaced with L.
why Lull
and not lol?