Hardware problem


I wanted to use an old Pc to give to my nephew but i have a problem that seems a bit too hard to solve for me.

It is a PC with an Athlon 1800 xp on a KT3 ultra motherboard. When i checked the PC i found a HD problem. I could repair it using low format tools from matrox. But when i tried to reinstall windows i get during the process a blue page of death with differents error messages.

I tried different XP installation discs, i tried to use different supports and nothing worked.

So i decided to upgrade the motherbard and bougt a new HD. And to my big surprise i got again same errors. I tested my ram and no problem. I removed my sound card and my network card, no change. i tried with an old graphic card no luck.
The only part i did not change or test (as i have not the tools for) is the alimentation. Any chance to have a faulty almientation that let the pc run with no warning but just bad enough so i can't install windows ?
Some mobo can disable L2 catch so it you are able to, disable the L2 catch and see if you can install windows.

IT could be a bad CD/DVD drive.
I'd be careful about assuming the RAM tests out. Depending on what tests you ran, undetected errors are still possible.

If you can, try a different set of memory sticks. Failing that, how much memory do you have, sometimes XP gets tempermental with smaller amounts of memory.
I tried different cd/dvd drive and differents Xp discs, no luck. I use 512 Mo sticks and i doubt all 3 have problems same time :(

I will try the L2 cache trick :)
Found the answer but no idea about the source. Errors stopped when i disabled both cache and onboard sound in the bios......