Good place for Baisc C++/Windows proggraming info?


Mostly just need calls and such. Ive just started, and i understand most conecepts, but DO NOT know pretty much any calls. Im reading a book that is supposed to be to help you into programming...yet its using these things in windows that i DO NOT get so the book is pretty much worthless (thanks alot Micheal Morrison...). Anyone have a good site? Sorry to bother you all with this :(
Tokelil said:
I dont know what you mean by you not knowing any calls... Are you talking API calls?

Anyway here is a few links from my collection: (Win32 API tutorial) (*) (*)

* Danish sites, but the links on them shouldn't be...

Heh, sorry i wasnt clear, like i said, im not too hot. those are EXACTLY what i was looking for though - thank you! :D
Last I checked cprogramming taught using the pre-standard libraries. For C++ check out I also recommend you get C++ Primer vol 3 (or whatever the latest one out is). Hold off on learning any API's right now, you need to learn how to program first. And API calls are never the meat and potatoes of any program, so don't expect to fully memorize the Win32 API or Direct3D or OpenGL (even if you could, that's still pretty worthless, what with online documentation and all). C++ Primer will do a good job at teaching you the basics of programming, and from there you can get some book on GUI programming if that's what you're into (I hear Petzold's Win32 book is good, though I haven't checked it out). Knowing GUI programming, or knowing the full Win32 API is not a prerequisite to graphics programming. To write a 3D graphics application in Windows all you need to know of the Win32 API is how to create a window and process the messages (and sometimes not even that, if, say, you're using GLUT for OpenGL). For beginning OpenGL I'd recommend the Redbook which is downloadable for free in PDF form on the web, and for Direct3D I'd simply recommend the documentation and examples that come in the DXSDK. Knowing either API is going to help you make use of that shiny new 3D hardware in your computer, but if you don't understand the theory of what's going on internally with the rendering process. That's where a good graphics theory book (such as the classic tome, <a href=>Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice</a>) will come in handy. If you want to write major software systems, knowing how to structure and design your applications is another crucial aspect as well. For any aspiring C++/Graphics programmer I would recommend:

C++ Primer
OpenGL Redbook and/or DirectX SDK documentation
Code Complete
Design Patterns
The Mythical Man-Month
Any good API-agnostic 3D theory book

I'd also recommend you subscribe to Dr. Dobb's Journal. It's a frequently interesting monthly general programming digest. Often you'll find helpful programming information in the least likely of places; DDJ can provide some useful general programming insights even if you're strictly a graphics programmer.

Oh, and when you get stuck, search the web and ask questions. And don't pay attention to people who bash you because of the questions you ask. They're just bitter jackasses who have nothing better to do than flame strangers on internet forums.
A couple other things: <a href=>this is always a good document to read</a>, and speaking of reading: read everything you can. Read it again if you don't understand it until you can understand it. Don't be shy.
If you're looking at getting into Windows programming don't ignore .NET and certainly don't ignore C# (the most important language Microsoft have yet released). Managed languages are the future of Windows and .NET will be the framework that Longhorn etc. are built on. You'll find that C# is a vast improvement on C++ - it's basically taken all the best bits of Java and incorporated them into a true OOP language that combines the best of both worlds.
I agree, definately keep your eyes on C# and the .NET platform, as they'll have a significant impact on your life in the next few years, particularly if you're targeting Microsoft platforms (and probably even if you aren't).
I haven't been following C# the last couple of years, but isn't C# controlled by Microsoft? Or is it an open standard developed by Microsoft?

Btw. how is garbage collection done without a VM? Or does it use a VM?
Tokelil said:
I haven't been following C# the last couple of years, but isn't C# controlled by Microsoft? Or is it an open standard developed by Microsoft?

Btw. how is garbage collection done without a VM? Or does it use a VM?

Open language.

It's been IEEE standard since 1996 IIRC.
Thank you for the link which was an interresting read! I have to say that Im still a little sceptical of the whole GC deal. I dont get why all control has to be taken away from the programmer. And the article shows that even though the GC.Collect() is called the memory still isn't free when the programmer asks for it, which I personally dont like. I guess it is done that way so the CLR can give the program memory without going to the OS, but Im not really sure.