Gekido: The Dark Angel Video! (Devil May Cry killer?)




Here's the link to the first video

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I was sort of wondering if it was the 360 actually when I looked at the two first images. When I saw the third, it became clear it was good ol PS2...

The two first shots do look very nice, particulary for PS2 I think. The third looks a little skanky perhaps, but it's mostly the fault of the fog, which accentuates jaggies and other rendering imperfections. Fog is hard to do well.
it was about friggin time. the platform is a darn decent 3d performer, but the audience was getting seriously tired of the uninspired first attempts of 3d games circa '95. if it wasn't for some nice aaa launch tites people would have started to doubt the worth of the paltform. now it's time we see some dreamcast-level presentation, as the hw is qute capable.
Guden Oden said:
I was sort of wondering if it was the 360 actually when I looked at the two first images. When I saw the third, it became clear it was good ol PS2...

The two first shots do look very nice, particulary for PS2 I think. The third looks a little skanky perhaps, but it's mostly the fault of the fog, which accentuates jaggies and other rendering imperfections. Fog is hard to do well.

Guden did you sersiously think it was a PS2 game? Not trying to knock you or anything, but at first I thought you were being sarcastic. This is a PSP game and I darn good looking one. Did you watch the video?
I honestly thought it was a ps2 game, then I remembered I'm in "Handheld 3D" forums. Woops! You sure fooled me mckmas8808!. :oops: