gamespot comments on Oblivion



Seems like they have fallen in love.

"The game's characters not be highly scripted but will instead use the game's "Radiant AI" system, which will give them a rough daily schedule, a few specific goals, some personal needs (such as the need to eat and the need to sleep), then basically turn them loose in the world. We watched an example in which we entered a bookstore and chatted up the storekeeper using the game's diplomacy skill (which has been changed from Morrowind to a circle onscreen that lets you move your cursor between options like joke or threaten; the character you're speaking to will react accordingly with facial animations). The bookkeeper seemed to prefer jokes and smiled when told them, then invited us upstairs to keep her company. The bookkeeper then went about one of her general goals--training in archery by firing arrows at a hanging target in her room, while her enthusiastic dog leapt about the room. The bookkeeper's aim was off, so she voluntarily quaffed a marksmanship potion, which improved her aim considerably. She also tossed her hungry dog a cut of venison, which affected the excited quadruped in much the same way it would affect a player. The dog then got so excited that the short-tempered bookkeeper cast a paralysis spell on her pet, causing it to tumble to the floor. The bookkeeper then attempted to lie down and go to sleep, but her dog recovered and began yapping excitedly again, so the impatient bookkeeper cast a fire spell on her poor pooch, setting the dog on fire and sending it yelping from the room. After the bookkeeper lay down for the evening and nodded off, we helped ourselves to the two-handed claymore sword on her table and departed for the besieged town. "
Man, when you hear anyone talking about the Elder's Scroll games, you cant stop to be amazed.

The problem lies in how all of that is delibered wich isnt really fun in practice. Lets hope that the latest game is different.