Fresh Win2000 stutters on audio playback

Shifty Geezer

Having to reinstall my PC a week or two back, I now find audio playback of MP3's and .oggs stutters when typing, as though the keyboard input is interrupting. This happens on JetAudio, WinAmp and MediaPlayer. I never had this trouble before the clean install (lots of other troubles though!).

I've tried jigging everything I could find to jig. Ramped up application priorities, changed audio settings to best, worst, etc. Given the same sound card on the same mobo, everything the same, why doesn't the wretched thing work?! It's really important to me to have music while I work.

I guess not everything is *exactly* the same. I am using a different software firewall (Sygate as opposed to Outpost). I know Firewalls can get their grubby little fingers interferring with all sorts of things, but audio decoding?