Excel Search and Replace Macro/App (Font Remapping)


Artist formerly known as Acert93
I have built a master vocabulary list for a language I am learning through some PC software and am porting it to a PDA flashcard application. The problem is the two applications map their fonts differently. e.g. Alpha in the PC version is A but Alpha in the PDA version font is # and the Beta in the PC version is b and in the PDA version it is v. So I have mapped out the differences with a nice little chart, something like this in a CVS

Alpha, A, #
Beta, b, v
Gamma, g, h

Now I could manually do a Search/Replace in Excel for all 50 or so font variables, but I plan to be generating a number of different lists for study over a period of time. So my question is: Is there a handy application or macro that can do all the swapping for me?
Do they both use the same font?

No. They are two different fonts of the same language and they are mapped differently to keyboards. This is a Semitic font. They construct the words the same in regards to vowel points, so it is only a matter of changing the letters to match the font map of the destination device (PDA). The bugger is altering manually doing a search and replace is that I would first need to convert to unused letters and then to the final ones as they have extensive overlap in the same letters used. So if A=B, B=C, C=D, when I change A=>B and B=>C all my "A" letters are going to be Cs and not Bs in the target platform!

The good news is the developer got back to me today and said he may be able to create a font map converter for this project.