Eurogamer: XBox 360 official, shape is... 'concave'

Concave, like tis?
Probably something like that but just not as fugly at least I hope not since I plan on getting a Xenon console myself if the launch games include a mustbuy title that I cannot get on Revolution.
Urian said:
Do you remember a fake that was a Nintendo console named Nexus?

Could be this.

oh man I remember that. Most mock ups people come up with look pretty bad but that was probably the best fake console pic I ever saw. Anyone know if the pic is still floating around?
Main Entry: nex·us
Pronunciation: 'nek-s&s
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural nex·us·es /-s&-s&z/; or nex·us /-s&s, -"süs/
Etymology: Latin, from nectere to bind
1 : CONNECTION, LINK; also : a causal link
2 : a connected group or series

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
The term Nexus (Latin origin) may mean:

a place of being connected, something that connects two objects in a group, a connection between two things. (This is perhaps the most common use of the word.)
It is also used as a name in several other contexts -

Do a Google Image Search for "nexus" and you end up with some pretty cool pics! You think Microsoft could make their console look like this? ;)

Also, if you have SafeSearch on, Angelina Jolie's boobies (from Gia) are somehow the third result! Good ol' GIS... I'll take those over a next generation console any day.
Qroach said:
you thought that one was good? yuck, i thoguht it looked very fake...

you didn't like it??


if any of the three consoles would end up looking like this I'd be very happy!
Nah it looks too toyish for me... I want my console to look something more box like... I look at that and want to hang a phone receiver over it.