email opening a webpage without asking!


beyond noob
I just received an email and upon highlighting it in Outlook Express the thing just opened a webpage!

How do I disable this? What's the right security setting?
mito said:
I just received an email and upon highlighting it in Outlook Express the thing just opened a webpage!

How do I disable this? What's the right security setting?

Easiest solution is to stop using Outlook Express or regular Outlook. They are nothing but virus delivery systems.
FoxMail !
portable client :) You can put on an USB Memory stick and use it anywhere.
Small, feature complete and staying in tray if asked to...
BRiT said:
Easiest solution is to stop using Outlook Express or regular Outlook. They are nothing but virus delivery systems.
Generally you are right, but the latest version of Outlook (2003) at last addresses a lot of the problems inherent in the earlier versions.