Eidos dropping the ball?


Well I've personally been involved with some eidos events recently, that I don't think i can discuss yet, i just read this article posted at the IGN gamecube boards about Eidos possibly dropping support for gamecube. First sega sports, then Codemasters (who are banned from supporting gamecube in north america anyway by Nintendo. Too bad the press never mentioned that. The long/short story goes back to the game genie days and codemasters suing Nintendo.) and now possibly Eidos.


AICG reader Graffix*Guru writes: "My friends that work at Eidos mentioned yesterday that Eidos would not be creating any more titles for the GameCube. Their reasons were that Nintendo is a general pain to deal with and sales of GameCube titles are poor at best. I work for another Bay Area developer/publisher and speaking from experience, Nintendo is a huge pain in the ass to deal with. Specific examples include game submission guidelines that are vague at best and their testers manufacturing bugs that don't exist. I'll deal with Microsoft's phone book sized TCR's anyday over Nintendo's make it up as they go along guidelines.

Normally, I wouldn't believe this rumor since it's come from a website I've never heard of, but the person they are quoting actually knows something about the Nintendo submission process. It is pretty vague and what's even more strange is the comment about phantom bugs being reported.

Jaleco had Super bubble pop on Gamecube came back with only 4 bugs. 3 bugs were fixed in an hour, the last bug reported had something occuring that was completley impossible to occur on the gamecube hardware. It took us a week of going back and forth until someone inside the testing department at nintendo finally said "forget about this bug, we simply can't duplicate it again".

if your interested in knowing, the problem related to an error message returned from a bad memory card. They said we were displaying an incorrect message, when the message itself was generated by the Nintendo libraries and not us. When we tested it, it worked perfect.

My comment about Eidos dropping the ball, relates to Tomb Raider slipping and some other dealings that can't be mentioned just yet. Eidos is going down pretty fast IMO.
Not a good move. That's like investing all of your money in Beanie Babies..

As far as Sega/Codemasters/Eidos dropping their support, a few comments:

1. Eidos scarcely publishes a good game these days. Timesplitters 2, that's it. And TS3 prolly won't be Eidos-published.

2. Codemasters.. hah. They're not exactly the most important developer/publisher around. Mediocre games.

3. Now here's an actual blow to the 'Cube.. Sega no longer stocking GCN with its sports titles. However, it's not very big of a blow.. seeing as how the millions of current GCN owners have seemingly denied that Sega's sports titles exist! (bad sales)
As long as they last long enough to get Deus Ex 2 and Thief 3 out, I couldn't care less what happens to them. Shutting down LGS was like tying their own noose as far as I'm concerned.
Qroach said:
Well, I personally think they could be betting the farm on the new Tomb Raider...

Maybe AoD is as refreshing and evolving as Eidos promised it to be? Who knows, maybe that is why they are betting so much on that title this year.

BTW, does anyone if it is coming together well? Also, how are the actual graphics compared to the high-res shots circulating on the web?
Jaleco had Super bubble pop on Gamecube came back with only 4 bugs. 3 bugs were fixed in an hour, the last bug reported had something occuring that was completley impossible to occur on the gamecube hardware. It took us a week of going back and forth until someone inside the testing department at nintendo finally said "forget about this bug, we simply can't duplicate it again".

if your interested in knowing, the problem related to an error message returned from a bad memory card. They said we were displaying an incorrect message, when the message itself was generated by the Nintendo libraries and not us. When we tested it, it worked perfect.

Trust me SONY does the same thing. If they don't like your game for whatever reason, they won't approve it and will make excuses. They'll keep sending it back then ultimately the publisher gives up ;)
marconelly! said:
Trust me SONY does the same thing.
Yeah, we are going to trust *you* on that. Maybe you should ask Deadmeat and Lazy8 to back you up? :LOL:

If you have a problem trusting anything non pro SONY or Konami that's your business :LOL:

No point in coercing Qroach into becoming a SONY zombie ;)
Normally I would not believe a rumor like this, but since its antigamecube, and Im an Xbox troll who is trying to pretend not
to be, while subtly trolling it every chance I get, why not..
LogisticX said:
Ahh yes - to be a 'sony zombie' or a 'delusional Sega elitist'.......which to choose, which to choose....

Yeah I'm a SEGA/Nintendo elitist :LOL:

It's not my problem they make great games ;)
If you have a problem trusting anything non pro SONY or Konami that's your business
I think the hilited word in my post should make it obvious that you missed my point.

I wouldn't have a problem trusting you on it if 99.9 of your posts wound't be anti Sony babble to begin with.
marconelly! said:
If you have a problem trusting anything non pro SONY or Konami that's your business
I think the hilited word in my post should make it obvious that you missed my point.

I wouldn't have a problem trusting you on it if 99.9 of your posts wound't be anti Sony babble to begin with.

Well if you want to know the truth in the submition process of games to SONY, just talk to one of their 3rd party publishers specifically their QA department. They'll tell you the same thing. Of course you don't have to take my word for it.
If you want to form a picture about Sony's tactics in this area, Capcom execs./designers circa PSX launch could give you some interesting bits to consider.
PCEngine, Actually sony doesn't "really" make excuses. they tell you why they didn't like the game and what could improve your change of approval (not gaurenteed). All console manufacturers are like this. They all have the right to refusal on any title.

Normally I would not believe a rumor like this, but since its antigamecube, and Im an Xbox troll who is trying to pretend not
to be, while subtly trolling it every chance I get, why not..

Go away you troll. We're getting sick of your attitude. teasy, you can also excuse yourself from this thread if you are uncapable of controlling your emotions.
If you want to form a picture about Sony's tactics in this area, Capcom execs./designers circa PSX launch could give you some interesting bits to consider.
You mean that they were pretty clear they didn't wanted any 2D games on PSX in it's first year, yet Capcom made them? I don't see how it could have been a surprise to them when the games didn't get approved.
Quincy, think your still a moderator do you? Sorry to tell you this man but your not :oops:

teasy, you can also excuse yourself from this thread if you are uncapable of controlling your emotions.

Oh yeah man, I mean just look at my post:

I was thinking the same thing

I'm practically ranting right? My emotions are quite obviously at fever pitch :)

Were as I have to say your practically serenity itself. Calling people trolls and ordering people to leave the thread :)