This happened already yesterday, but nevertheless... 
Happy 25th Birthday C64!
to many of my generation guys, this computer was the thing get interested the whole business.
After years no-commodore talks policy, Jack Tramiel showed up on birthday parties, among many others, even the worst rivals were there, like Steve Wozniak (Apple) and William Lowe (IBM).
I am soo furious that I didn't watched news groups for this, because Most likely these parties at Silicon Valley Computer History Museum were only few times able to see Wozniak and Tramiel at once.
more about here:
and at newsgroups comp.sys.cbm
As for my own three C64 units, birthday present will be almost-mint condition 1581 3.5" floppy drive, which I was able to get without mechanics included.
(as quick history lot's of 1581s were missing mechanics when they were auctioned after Commodore bankcrupty in 1994. This is because when Amiga 500 started to sell like hot cakes in 1988, Commodore could not get the internal disk drives from supplier fast enough and there was huge stack of 1581 sitting in storage, so they cannibalized mechanics from those for Amigas.)
Now, after around 18, 19 years of losing mechanics, my drive will wake again (thanks available A500 replacement mechanics.
) and will join to my collection next to the 1541, 1541-II and 1570. 
Happy 25th Birthday C64!
to many of my generation guys, this computer was the thing get interested the whole business.
After years no-commodore talks policy, Jack Tramiel showed up on birthday parties, among many others, even the worst rivals were there, like Steve Wozniak (Apple) and William Lowe (IBM).
I am soo furious that I didn't watched news groups for this, because Most likely these parties at Silicon Valley Computer History Museum were only few times able to see Wozniak and Tramiel at once.
more about here:
and at newsgroups comp.sys.cbm
As for my own three C64 units, birthday present will be almost-mint condition 1581 3.5" floppy drive, which I was able to get without mechanics included.
(as quick history lot's of 1581s were missing mechanics when they were auctioned after Commodore bankcrupty in 1994. This is because when Amiga 500 started to sell like hot cakes in 1988, Commodore could not get the internal disk drives from supplier fast enough and there was huge stack of 1581 sitting in storage, so they cannibalized mechanics from those for Amigas.)
Now, after around 18, 19 years of losing mechanics, my drive will wake again (thanks available A500 replacement mechanics.