DAMN IT!!!! "Weee-oooh, weee-oooh, weee-oooh"


Bubbles (My pc, see sig...the really little part) is DOWN! I don't know why, but she is down. :(

It all started with me bloody smartgart control, I didn't have one. I goofed up somehow installing the 4.7 set and got the control panel installed ahead of the drivers and when I finally got it all working right anyways (it was late, I was in a hurry :rolleyes: ) I didn't have my smartgart tab so I couldn't disable fastwrites....and every openGL game I play is locking up within about 2 minutes now.

So this morning I decided to just re-install the control panel to see if that would give me my smartgart tab back, but RIGHT when I re-installed the control panel my monitor shut off as well as my computer with the damned octave high/low wail of "Weeee-ooooh, weeee-ooooh, weeeee-oooooh" that just keeps going until I kill the power strip. :(

Everytime I boot up now I boot up just fine, right up to the point where my desktop should appear; except now at that point the whole thing shuts down and starts "Weeee-ooooh!"-ing me. :?

I booted into safe-mode ok and tried uninstalling all me display drivers, but as soon as I went to reboot she "Weeeeee-ooooh"ed me again. :rolleyes:

Now I can't boot into windows, well at least not without ending up with the "weeeeee-oooooh" and my system shuttting down. :(

Anyone have any clues?
No, I've swapped catalysts before on this install. (And even a 5900 for a bit) I don't think that's the problem, but I can't boot into windows right yet so it's a bit-o-a-moot point.

Thanks for the suggestion though. I'm leaning towards it being power supply related since that's what I think the original "Weee-oooh" problem was that I got help for here yesterday, (thanks again all! :D ), and I ordered a new PS which should be here Tuesday...but this is getting bloody annoying to me and I just want to get her up and running in windows again and if I can I'll quit monkeying around with her until the new PS comes. (It's my own damned fault for deciding to try and "fix" her this morning. :rolleyes: )

I apologize if I seem testy or rude, I really do appreciate the help and don't mean to snap...I just get a bit edgy when me baby is down. :(

I just left her off for about 15 minutes and started her again and got into windows, I'm going for a driver install now and seeing if that helps any.

Well, she's booted back to the desktop at least now with the last set of Omegadrive drivers on her and just successfully passed it's smartgart self-test....methinks me just better wait for a new power supply before gaming much. :(
do you get the "weeeeeohhhh" in safe mode? how about alternate os's? i would try booting one of those self contained on disk linux distros or a dos floppy. or better yet, the old widows95 installed to a zip disk trick.
I haven't checked your specs - too fiddly to get to them.

Modern systems can put a fair amount of stress on the 12V rail of PSU's.

Try unplugginging opticals and any extra HDD's temporarily and see if that improves the situation.

You may want to install the system monitoring software from your motherboard cd (I'm assuming it has one) and check voltages before and afterward. You can also do this in the BIOS.

If you get a reasonable difference in variation your PSU probably is to blame (given the age of your PSU, most of them concentrated on the 5V and 3.3V rails, not the 12V back then).
No "wee-ooh" in safe-mode until I went to shut it down, as soon as I hit the "restart" button she went "wee-ooh". (And when she goes "wee-ooh" that's all she wrote until I turn off the power supply and turn on the PC again...a total deadstick PC. :( )

I'm posting from her now in XP again, I should have tried booting up into 98se when I was having problems to see if I had that half. (Dual boot 98se/XP...but I don't use 98se much)

I think it's my PS. It used to have very steady rails, now I can watch 'em changing in the bios flicking all over the place. :?

My new PS can't get here quick enough.

(Oh, btw....I un-installed my ATi drivers in safe-mode and used Driver Cleaner whilst I was at it, then I installed Omegadrive's latest set as soon as I got back to me normal desktop and it all seems pretty peachy. I got me smartgart back, fast-writes are off, and as soon as I finish a couple of Azureus downloads and transfer 'em to Blue I'm gonna give some openGL games a try and see if turning off fastwrites doesn't fix me lock-up problems.)
Got a little unlazy and downloaded and installed Abit EQ to monitor my voltages in windows.

Everything is a straight line, except my +3.3 one which is jittering up and down like a needle on a seismograph being carried by an epylectic who had WAAAY too much coffee.

Think that could cause my system griefs?

EDITED BITS: After a bit of monitoring, it seems my +5 rail can get just as bad and there's one called "vcore" that tends to jump around too...

Methinks me needs a new power supply.
I knew what vcore is, I was playing dumbguy again. ;)

If'n "amplitude" means "range of deviance", then not much:

Vcore: 1.86-1.91
+3.3: 3.29-3.33
+5: 5-5.03

Not a lot of variance, but that was just from watching the meters for about a minute. :?

My new PS is on it's way, expected delivery is the 15th....think I should toss in the new cheap 450w I got sitting in my kitchen in the meantime?
So long as by "cheap new 45-W" PSU you don't mean Codegen, by all means try it.

If it is a Codegen PSU, install it in the trashcan.
That kind of drift is pretty normal. I'd guess the voltage sensors the boards use are only accurate to within about half a volt anyway - doing better than 5% accuracy with electronic components usually requires calibration, and I imagine the quantity of EMI around the board can easily generate a couple of percent drift.
It's a "Hercules" 450w supply and after a bit of an annoyance this afternoon I pulled my Ennermax and put it in and I can now game again. 8)

One annoying as hell thing, it only had 4 bloody molexes leading off it! HOW are you supposed to run a PC with 4 molexes?!?!

Most of the installation time was spent splicing molex splitters together....and I still don't have two lights hooked up. :rolleyes:
did ya take out the vid card and put it back in? , hope its the PSU but it could be the MB... and do you get the sound with the monitor unhooked from the vidcard? oh just read your post.... never mind
Yeah, I did some webslinging in Spidey2 for a bit just and ran a full 3dm2k1se....but it didn't make it thru those two tests before I switched PS.

This new one is:

Vcore: 1.89-1.9
+3.3: 3.20-3.23
+5: 4.97

The graph looks more stable, more important it ain't crashed since. (Although a movie I was playing paused itself/played fast to catch up when I burnt a CD....but again, it didn't crash going "wee-ooh, wee-ooh!" on me either. ;) )

Me can game, me very happy, me have better PS coming on Thursday; it's all good. 8)
Just a little tip, but if your movie is freezing when burning a cd, then the CD burner might be in PIO mode. Try setting it to DMA under the relevant IDE controller.(under properties)

I seem to have lost my smartgart tab aswell o_O

Hopefully the Omega drivers will bring it back otherwise I'll have to start getting really annoyed.