Computer Engineering websites...


Passenger on Serenity
Im looking for computer engineering websites, specifically ones that are geared towards people who are going into the field. Ive found, are there others like it?

A bit to far into it for a beginner. You know how in CompSci there are like a million how to program X sites, or places like gamedev, or code project. Im looking for something similar. May be it doesnt exist, I just wanted to start brushing up on the subject and thought there were sites that would help out.

What sort of info are you looking for, and what do you *really* mean by "Computer Engineering"? That is a vague academic term which holds no meaning outside of Universities.
What sort of info are you looking for, and what do you *really* mean by "Computer Engineering"? That is a vague academic term which holds no meaning outside of Universities.
Well I just got accepted (today) into the Computer Engineering program at University of Michigan (dearborn). I was looking for sites that took someone with little knowledge in the area and helped them along. I guess, I had hoped that there were places similar to sites that helped folks with programming.
At my university computer engineering was a blend of software and hardware and some relevant hardware classes included ASIC design. So any web site that deals with programming is relevant.

I don't know of any hardware oriented sites with discussions quite like software oriented sites, but some industry sites are

These are news sites, but you might be able to learn something from them as well.
Ive got my BS in Comp Sci and a lot of my MS done too. The programming doesnt bother me, Im just rusty. The part about hardware scares me a bit, which is why I wanted to get a head start. I didnt want to just open the course text and start reading it. I'll take a look at the sites you got up there, thanks for them.