Brave New World -- MBX Demo


Among the sample programs demonstrating a set of graphics features and techniques at the new PowerVR developer website,, the Brave New World MBX demo articulates subtle human animation with high bone-count skinning in combination with DOT3 lighting. A comprehensive listing of announced MBX devices and chips is also now provided at the site.
I'm not much of an expert of course, but I'd be pretty happy if my Nokia could handle perpixel lighting on that level. ^^; But I had to post, about this "News" item on the PVRI website: "Tom Cruise uses PowerVR enabled handset" XD this good press or bad press? ;D I'm sure they're ascribing to the theory that ANY press is good press, but I can't help but wonder if that article reads, "Tom says the per-pixel lighting in his MBX-powered handset brings him 'peace, by properly illuminating my body thetans to look like underage girls, making them easier to purge, or marry.'" ^_~
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