"Beyond3D Weekly Forum Follies"

It's not just good, it's amazing. :) Great idea to direct attention to otherwise missed gems.
Secondly we've got a thread started by NovemberMike asking those in the games programming industry how they landed their first job. He strikes gold almost immediately with various games programmers offering advice and links to resources on how to get into the industry.

From our very own gaming Ghu, Farid, "Good stuff, a thread full of anecdotes from developers about their first job in the industry. It contains as well some tips, for those who nurture the dream of becoming one day, at their turn, under paid and under appreciated modern day stakhanovites, or as we call them around these parts, game programmers". Find it here.
I assume those two links should be different threads/URLs...?
No, just two chances to click into the same thread being talked about.
Oh I see. I thought the second para meant that Farid started a similarly-themed thread called "Good Stuff", didn't know it was actually Farid's comment on that thread.
I wish I had enough time to check out everything in this forum and therefore I was enthusiastic about this WFF feature.

As it is, either I'm missing some obvious link on the front page or the first word in "Weekly Forum Follies" is not quite so accurate.
