B3D reviews, articles and news posts


Variety is the spice of life. Apparently, since it is a saying! :)

The majority of reviews at B3D are done by Dave. Not something to complain about since it is close to impossible to find that you don't learn anything new with every review he writes.

However, does anyone think it may be a good idea for B3D to have a few more reviewers, to spice things up, to provide a different reading experience, to read possibly different perspectives and maybe different leanings (which may ultimately lead to discussions that may provide Something Good)? Or, really, Daves' reviews/artucles are It, the Complete Thing, comprising everything you need to know and learn about the things that goes behind the decision to consider buying a new video card?

Secondly, and as biased I may be (or have been as the case is), don't you think Dave's type of news reports (on the front page) is one of a kind, the kind of news reports you never witness at 3D sites, the way it is professional and never veers too much into personal thoughts and opinions but just reports of facts?

PS. In light of the recent event involving me and the site, I hope notbody reads anything into this -- I am genuinely interested in knowing what folks think, the way I think the site can be improved (which should be obvious due to topics I started in this thread). Dave may have his own thoughts on how the site should be headed but surely he won't resist considering what the readers of Beyond3D may wish for!
Yes I have left. Just wondering about a couple of things that B3D readers (like you and me) may like to see at the site.

[edit] Oh, maybe you meant the part where I said I'm biased for B3D. Well, I still am even even if I'm not part of the staff! The site has a community that I like.
Hey i was joking, after all the drama the other day ;)

I think, if ever B3D were to get more reviewrs, they should be on the same level of expertise (or freaky attention to detail, depending on the POW) as Dave, which is not that easy, considering the few ones already work for other sites...
I think Dave is all one needs. He's one of if not the most professional, nonbiased, informative and thorough reviewers I have ever personally come across, imho of course. The attention to detail in his reviews is quite uncommon compared to most other sites.

My only complaint is the fact that he doesn't include competitors cards, which I think is the whole basis of a review, that is to come to a comclusion as to which solution would be better for you as a consumer. This is harder to accomplish since you have nothing to compare the results to.
I like B3D reviews sometimes just for their consistancy, I think Dave does a great job and I look forward to every one of his reviews as I always learn something new.

I don't think I'd get that as much from multiple reviewers.
I really wouldn't mind read reviews from other people on here.. That is if they was as professional, nonbiased, informative as Dave's ones. (And that would be kinda hard!)
I am for more content for sure, and Dave could "preview" the reports and provide the template. So IMHO if he can get someone I would like it, now getting the hardware to review that is another point too. I guess if you have more available man hours for reviews than you could widen the scope as well . (widen the scope as more articles on hardware/game development etc)
Personally I have enjoyd the reviews by Hanners and Neeyik... Other reviews might have other things to bring to the table. As long as the previews, patent thoughts, controversial articles is made by Dave Im happy... (Which is the articles that makes Beyond3D stand out from the crowd anyway IMO)
a reviewer who did 3d software , but for H/W nahh, Dave has it down.
Other sites do othe H/W like cases watercooling bla bla, thats not b3d, but with so much info in the software sections on this site ( the true gem of B3D). It would be nice to see more info/testing/ usage of 3d software.
Other reviewers doing hardware other than video cards might be fun, and Hanners does do a good job of viddy reviews here also. (I hate saying that though, we need him at EB. :? )
I like Dave. Dave makes me feel stupid. No other reviewer has ever really managed to make me feel totally incompetent. Hence, I like Dave and want more Dave. :)
Personally, I can kind of burnt out on video card reviews, they are all blurring together, almost a read one, you've read them all kind of thing. Perhaps I'd be more interested if I was looking to buy a new card, but there is little excitement in video cards these days I find, very little is truly new and exciting, it's more about slight performance differences.

I find B3D reviws informative, well done, lots of info in them, but lately I could really care less about the actual cards being reviewed. Could about sum up a review for me as "this card is exactly like this one, but 5% faster", lol.
Well I could go either way. More stuff that is "Beyond3D" would be fun to read as well...not sure what those are...but if this stays like it is now, well thats great as well :)
Seeing Dave's name on a review is like a seal of approval, it's a guarantee of a good, informative read. :)

Having said that, Nick's occasional reviews were always a good read as well, and I certainly enjoyed the few reviews I worked on here, so I think that having more reviewers would be no bad thing as long as the quality of the content on offer stays the same. As long as everyone sticks to the same spirit and style of reviews here then I guess more reviewers and thus more content would be most welcome.