Ati X800 XT VS GeForce 6800 Ultra

"Win" in which sense of the word?

I think this round will be won or lost more on availability of cards than actual performance. Both cards perform pretty much ungodly fast and with lots-o-eye candy, it'll be a matter of who can get them to the market first and keep a decent supply of them coming while still making money on them that I think will determine the winner this round.

And in that case, I'll bet ATi....any other case I'll bet ATi too, but I just felt like adding something to the thread rather than just shouting "ATI RULEZ!!!!" ;)
This time around i really do not see all this ATI "superiority". Actually i think NV has surpassed them this time around. Personally i'm quite happy with what i have now, and i won't upgrade AT LEAST for a year or more, but come on, how can anyone say R420 is VASTLY SUPERIOR to NV40 is completely beyond me.

london-boy said:
This time around i really do not see all this ATI "superiority". Actually i think NV has surpassed them this time around. Personally i'm quite happy with what i have now, and i won't upgrade AT LEAST for a year or more, but come on, how can anyone say R420 is VASTLY SUPERIOR to NV40 is completely beyond me.


Hmmm, how about less power consumption, a smaller PCB, better AA, TAA, better performance and greater availability. All for less cost.
london-boy said:
This time around i really do not see all this ATI "superiority". Actually i think NV has surpassed them this time around. Personally i'm quite happy with what i have now, and i won't upgrade AT LEAST for a year or more, but come on, how can anyone say R420 is VASTLY SUPERIOR to NV40 is completely beyond me.


I have to totally agree with you .

ANova said:
Hmmm, how about less power consumption, a smaller PCB, better AA, TAA, better performance and greater availability. All for less cost.

That's about how I see it to. It's really a shame the NV6800 faulters at higher IQ (AA) settings. I've become spoiled by having nearly 2 years worth of 6xAA; there's no way I can take a step back now.

The only questions left in my mind preventing me from ordering an ATI-R420XT is if/when PVR Series-5 hits and how well it'll compete. :?
BRiT said:
ANova said:
Hmmm, how about less power consumption, a smaller PCB, better AA, TAA, better performance and greater availability. All for less cost.

That's about how I see it to. It's really a shame the NV6800 faulters at higher IQ (AA) settings. I've become spoiled by having nearly 2 years worth of 6xAA; there's no way I can take a step back now.

The only questions left in my mind preventing me from ordering an ATI-R420XT is if/when PVR Series-5 hits and how well it'll compete. :?

Can you play Fracry with 6xAA on at all times and get decent framerates? Other than that, i'm quite happy with my 5900U which i had to buy in oreder to run applications that just do not run on ATI hardware. And it's a very good card for gaming, will surely last me a long time.
First time I've seen this kind of topic /end sarcasm. In all seriousness though I think the majority of people will go with whom they like better as a company. As least I know I will, with the cards comparing almost similiar in many of the benches that we've seen so far it's hard to pick a clear winner.