Anyone have Visual Studio .NET installed? Comp acting funny


Ever since I installed it (WinXP Pro), my computer has been acting strange. Random programs crash randomly (even Windows Update) and a window asking to terminate or debug pops up. I'm not overclocking, and all the hardware tests I've done come up ok. Anyone have any info about this problem?
nope... works fine. (well, until my Windows XP Installation decided to start dying, but that happened a year or so after installing VS.Net 2003)
I've got in on my machine at work (running Win2K) and it's fine (in the sense it doesn't cause crashes, not in the sense that's it good software ;) ) However, it does install some system-level debuggers for handling error sin DLL and com etc. which may make you notice errors that previously you hadn't.

.Net has been known to break everything near or around it. So, not sure what you're doing with .Net, but I've not heard any success stories using it, and I suspect where .Net is found, so is trouble!
Re: .Net

KillMeQuickly said:
.Net has been known to break everything near or around it. So, not sure what you're doing with .Net, but I've not heard any success stories using it, and I suspect where .Net is found, so is trouble!

Works perfectly fine on my machine. Had it installed at the start of this year.