AMD Demos Dual-Core Athlon 64


The latest shoe to drop in the race toward multicore technology came today from AMD, which says it has demonstrated a working dual-core version of its Athlon 64 desktop processor.

The dual-core Athlon 64 runs at a clock-speed of 2.4 GHz and has a maximum power dissipation of 100 W.

"We're in production," says Teresa deOnis, AMD's manager of branding. "We will have availability in the second half of 2005--that's when it will be in PCs on store shelves and in the hands of system builders."

The dual-core Athlon 64 is being fabricated in a 90 nm semiconductor process at AMD's new manufacturing facility in Dresden, Germany.
- Information Week

- Slashdot Discussion
That is quite good if it is true, a dual core athlon64 at 2.4ghz sounds pretty nice. I was under the impression they would have to scale back clocks to a greter degree.