2500+ XP Mobile in the mail


Well I have not been having the best of luck with overclocking lately but I thought I would try this one out anyway since they are pretty cheap. Basically I am building a computer for someone who doesn't want to overclock at all so I can give them my 2500 and pay the difference for the mobile $10 and then I get a mobile to play with. We will see if I get lucky...

People have commonly got them from 1.8--> 2.5 ghz some all the way to 2.9 and you know that an amd chip going that fast is going to be quite the little beast.
Running one now at 10x200. 50C at full load, and I have yet to put on arctic silver or even mod my case to fix air flow problems. I love it to death, it runs on such low voltage, too. Vcore high 1.4's, iirc.
I've never had exceptional luck with mine. It's decent but nothing great. Mine's currently using 1.9 vCore at 2631 (12.5 * 210.5) with 2-2-2-11 memory timings.
The hell do you mean 'nothing great'? That's an 800mhz overclock on a 1800mhz processor- a 44% increase!

Eronarn said:
The hell do you mean 'nothing great'? That's an 800mhz overclock on a 1800mhz processor- a 44% increase!


Yeah, but I was hoping to hit the 2.9Ghz mark. I am running in a Koolance PC2 system. :LOL:
BRiT said:
Eronarn said:
The hell do you mean 'nothing great'? That's an 800mhz overclock on a 1800mhz processor- a 44% increase!


Yeah, but I was hoping to hit the 2.9Ghz mark. I am running in a Koolance PC2 system. :LOL:


So any guesses as to how 1.9v affects the longevity of the processor? I'm contemplating boosting my v and maxing out this cpu as soon as i get my parts for my oft-forgotten PAL8045(that i just lapped for 4 hours yesterday... haha).
Well I think that it does negatively impact procesor longevity, but how long do you plan on keeping it anyway? I mean I figure I will have it for one year about and then give it away to someone else who will not use it to overclock so I am not too worried about it.
Sxotty said:
Well I think that it does negatively impact procesor longevity, but how long do you plan on keeping it anyway? I mean I figure I will have it for one year about and then give it away to someone else who will not use it to overclock so I am not too worried about it.

Exactly my thoughts... sure it's designed to last 20 years at whatever voltage, but i'll be using it for probably a year max anyway... :)
I dont think it'll drasticly alter the lifetime of my cpu, since it has a decent water-block on it, the Koolance CPU-300. The thermal probe reads 33, with temps off the motherboard sensors of 48 cpu, 29 sys, 43 pwm at full load (folding@home runs 24/7 when I'm not gaming). Even if it doesn burn out, it was all of $75 or so. :LOL:
BRiT said:
I dont think it'll drasticly alter the lifetime of my cpu, since it has a decent water-block on it, the Koolance CPU-300.
I'm pretty sure 1.9V WILL alter the lifetime of the cpu, no matter how good the cooling is. Electromigration isn't that dependant on temperature.
Though 1.9V doesn't seem to be that high, other people use voltages in excess of 2V. And as you said, who cares if it lives 2 years or 20...
mczak said:
BRiT said:
I dont think it'll drasticly alter the lifetime of my cpu, since it has a decent water-block on it, the Koolance CPU-300.
I'm pretty sure 1.9V WILL alter the lifetime of the cpu, no matter how good the cooling is. Electromigration isn't that dependant on temperature.
Though 1.9V doesn't seem to be that high, other people use voltages in excess of 2V. And as you said, who cares if it lives 2 years or 20...

I wish there were some way to figure this one out....

I assume that both Intel and AMD have this information about their processors..... releasing it however...... :(
Well I just got it. It is doingd only 2.2ghz now, but at 1.5volts. I figure I can get it higher later.


I think that I will try to keep it at <1.65 volts just for heat issues in the computer room. Anyway I will update later.
Well I have it at 12x400 and 1.65 Volts. It is running ok, but I don't think it is going to go up to anything like 2.9ghz.

edit that should read 200 lol that woulda been a heck of an overclock :)
zsouthboy said:
So any guesses as to how 1.9v affects the longevity of the processor?

been running my 2500+ at 1.97v for well over a year so i can hit the 3000+ mark. temp tops out about 60c at full load with basic air cooling. i'm sure it is takeing a few years of the life of my chip but i don't plan to use it much longer anyway.
Mine's running at 175 mhz x 14 at I believe 1.725 volts. It was unstable at 2500 with a 15x multiplier, and I don't want to push my fsb any higher since I'm only on pc2700 memory.(though one of the sticks reads as a pc2100, but I bought it as a pc2700) Ok I suppose, not as good as I had hoped.(I bought a 2600+ btw) Runs about 48 celsius idle, 52 celsius full load. Default clock was 2.13ghz btw, I have a volcano 12 heatsink/fan. Before on my elcheapo comes with case 300 watt powersupply I could barely run it at stock(only at 1.45volts could I go without crashing/rebooting, and even then not always), now I have an el cheapo($30) 550watt achieve power supply with 25 amps on the 12 volt line...which still seems a bit weak voltage wise, but I'm not sure if the new power supply is limiting me from overclocking any higher or if it's the cpu.(I can boot up in the 2.6ghz area, but not run stably) Yay! Now I have performance of about a 3.4ghz p4 cpu running on an 845 motherboard! Don't throw in an 865 or 875 though, or they'll have me beat by like 20%.
Hey fox, your motherboard is not necessarily running it at the correct "stock" setting mine booted at like 800 Mhz or some random speed. I run it slower than I have to b/c it was heating up my room to much I think I left it at 2.45 Ghz, but I can tell that is is running prety fast, it is 196x12.5 and for some unknown reason though I have 3200 memory when I put my FSB at 400 (200) I always have it unstable, heck maybe I should try something higher I have never actually bothered to go above 200, maybe 205 would for some unkown reason be more stable.

BTW my memory is the XMS variety and I do not even have it at aggressive settings in the timings...