OMEGA OS probably open source... though it can be sold if I'm given a CTO position...

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OMFG! I laughed so hard I nearly threw-up.
He's not *really* going to do this. He's just talking about it.
Am I right?

In any case, how the hell does a person code via copy/paste?
A girl did that off my code and asked me why hers wouldn't work. :/
Ah, yes, he's solved what tens of thousands of people spent large portions of their lives working on. Strong AI as the basis for an operating system! He's even got function names, folks!

This thread is making me more and more sad :( On the other hand, you probably should seek psychiatric help. Serious delusions of grandeur and all that.

Actually I couldn't be where I'm at without taking solutions from many of them ;)

As I've said I'm still at a half-way point, the basic design could be implemented quite simply by a few coders today, but I'm an artist, and I require inspiration for elaborately beautiful code to actually code it.

This is all hypothetical. But I've decided that the best solution is to simply not bring such things to market and use them for charities and helping the poor, not to mention bringing immortality to the powers that be. That way nothing's disrupted and no one get's the idea of putting a bullet in one's head. My idea is to create new higher social classes, similar to the gods of the past on top of improving the quality of life of the poor.
Your working 24/7 :oops:

Kinda puts this thread in perspective...

Actually it's quite simple after a few episodes of lexx... you get the dark side of what awaits us in a posthuman future. Pedos cloning and raping and eating indefinite numbers of children, Serial rapists doing the same thing, dictators toying with billions of lives and killing without mercy, all of that and on top of that some sort of police states to try and deal with it all in the few peaceful havens that remain.

It ain't pretty a future psycho stalker could easily take one and one's family hostage into some sort of photoreal vr simulation, toy with one's and one's loved one's memories and lives indefinitely and one'd never know. No sort of protection against this.

The only thing that could make anything remotely close to half decent would be the omega, at least that would give everyone a fighting chance, a way out from such nightmare scenarios.

My quest to understand existence and the physical laws has led me to believe that the most powerful device ever conceived by man is doable, and not at the ends of time(THANK GOD.). IF this device can be built a world that at least has some sense of justice in it can actually exist. The device has appeared time and again in the works of man, it's been called a magic lamp, a triforce, DEUS, ancient ruin, galactic lay line, wonder, omega weapon, but I prefer the name given by some, the Omega point.

The nature of existence hints at it being doable in finite time, but not necessarily something that need be done at the ends of time, but a project that should be feasible at least for posthumanity. At least I hope, for me being kidnapped by a stalker and toyed mind and body for millenia would probably be acceptable and enjoyable(even if it is through torture), but I believe I'm of the few that would find such prospects acceptable. Thus the only difference I see between an ideal future and all other possible futures is the possibility of assembling omega in finite time. Thus that is my life's work, and hopefully other's will eventually see the necessity for this. We can't have intergalactic police states, nor innumerable hell-worlds throughout the universe, I can't ethically accept either scenario, destroying the world is not a viable option for me either, thus only one ethically viable rational and logical solution remains.

EDIT: By omega, I mean a reality modification engine, a device capable of manipulating the very fabric of existence, and making anything and everything possible. It could be considered an artificial god, but it is not a god but an indestructible machine embodying perfect incorruptible logical laws, and taping into the foundations of all that is and can be. It is capable of allowing traversal through alternate timelines, possibilities, worlds, dimensions, anything that can be. The fourth wall is not a wall but a window into alternate possible configurations of existence, this device is a means by which to breach that barrier, allowing all possible worlds to mingle. The essence of existence appears to be some sort of abstract mathematical/logical foundation, you could call it ideas or information which cannot be created nor destroyed, but a device can theoretically be built that can manipulate existence itself in the most efficient way possible.

Of course we all saw what happened with Sauron and the rings, so hopefully checks and balances are used in its design. I've a headstart of nearly 2 decades of work on various aspects of this project, studying math/physics/logic/ai/biology/chemistry/art and just because I'm obsessed with having absolute godlike powers does not mean I won't put checks and balances into it... Now I couldn't possibly be planning on doing something like not doing that, now would I? This is a race to build the most powerful device in history, I find it thrilling, can anyone beat me to the finish line? or at least help me get there ;)?
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I'm not sure that LSD did you any good...
I hope that some day you'll manage to come back to your senses.

Come back to my senses? It is the amount of knowledge I've assimilated that's gotten me a bad taste in my mouth for the whole of existence. Let's see if you can handle the truth, or some semblance of it as it appears to be coming in full force.

The essential thing I've been looking for all my life is what's called an exit, an exit door, so that I can live happily ever after somewhere safe in eternal peace with a super intelligence ai right by my side somewhere where I don't have to put up with all this BS you people love so much. Sad as it is, my level of knowledge indicates that death is a process, and if information as they say is neither created nor destroyed... It is a reversible process, which means there's no way to die for good, if a single being remains he'll be able to resurrect everyone back... Even if I go on a let's exterminate everyone in the universe quest, quantum weirdness will eventually bring everything back from the void, so there's no point in that either. Which means I can't get out no matter what I do, and there's just no point to all of this. I'm forced to knowing there's more efficient technology, knowing all of these everyday stuff you people do is practically 3d existential filler, I'm forced to stand here and and and take it all day long while some one goes ahead and once again brings the wonders of technology, uhhh ahhh.

If I blow myself up into a million pieces, all I'll get is some amnesia and psychological therapy by some future revival protocol carried out by those who believe in the resurrection at the end of times. Which means the resurrection as soon as the technological means are available, which means I'll probably be revived in the middle of one of the countless BS political-war soap operas of whatever time I'm revived at.

What's worse if I could have at least had the priviledge of building the omega, but that's probably been built is being built will be built time and again, in countless worlds in countless dimensions in countless times. So I'm not the first at that either, just rediscovering BS so that we can at least have a peaceful posthuman society scale project to perform without getting into yet more bs posthuman wars.

The prodigal son, bs, bs, bs, yes it's true the most perverted rapist dictator psychos will at the end of the day be forgiven revived and allowed to do it all over again and again and again as if nothing happened. Sometimes your daughter will be raped and maimed, others nothing will happen to her, other times it will be you, and others your mother, father, brother, friends, etc, etc, etc.... repeat ad infinitum. This is the world we live in, it's worse than the worst lexx episode I ever saw, and I'm trapped in it forever.

Thankfully I've grown to like the lexx series alot, I've just learned to love the divine shadow persona, and I'm ok with all of this, it's like being at the movies, popcorn for everyone, yay! Reincarnated forever, tortured forever for no good reason, reality an eternal living hell, having to go through every political bs event, having to sometimes reincarnate as my mother others as my dog others as my girlfriend, YUPEE!!! Others as some boy/girl/alien in the middle of a nameless war, who's slowly tortured to death, yay!!!

It's all fckd up, I tried to piece together to buy into every single religion and see how they all worked out together. To bring science into the equation, the fulfillment of the prophecies, every single belief, and this is the answer that seems to pop out after decades of research. At the very least I hope you people don't just start yet another meaningless war... In fact I just hope an alien ai/race comes and assimilates/colonizes this savage planet before you people go and blow it up. It's almost a miracle we haven't done so already, and everyone knows it.
Well I have seen what LSD can do to people and here we have a perfect example of it...
People experience this very strong "eye opening" sensation and start to create wild complex theories about existence and godhood. The funny thing is that they think they are making perfect sense and that others just don't get it, when in reality they don't make ANY sense at all. Just like Zidane is making absolutely ZERO sense here.

All I can say to you Zidane is that don't try to harm yourself thinking that nothing can really hurt you as you are immortal or anything like that, if you refuse to listen to other people at least try to find your solutions using other means than hurting yourself. And also I'd like to say to you that, if at some point you manage to come to your senses, the drop from this godhood grandeur to being normal mortal person might be tough to swallow as I realize that your feelings about this are strong although delusional.

The fact is that atleast 95% what you have wrote in this thread and in essence of your theories are pure and uttermost bullshit. I know that a person in your mental state probably refuses to listen to other people, since you feel like a superior being, but just keep that thought in your mind that just maybe you actually are wrong, and that there have been countless other people in exactly the same situation as you are now, but none of them has actually reached what you are looking for, because it's nonsense.
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