New Turok screens

A couple are old, but most are new:


That water sure looks sweet.
There's been all sorts of media released these past few days. I wonder why.

As for Turok... looks nice.

I wonder how the foliage interactivity will compare to Crysis; (gah, sorry, didn't mean to start comparing - if anyone gets upset I'll edit my post). The lighting and amount of detail in some of those shots is pretty impressive. UE3 isn't it?
Looks great. the Ground appears a bit bare, but that's something I can forgive. The setting could certainly just be awesome. I really hope for the game, the series has lot of potential.
Looks nice.The texture work looks great so far, and the foliage is awesome. It kinda gives me a feeling of that Crytek demo from ages ago with the dinos. I hope there's co-op! :)

I wonder how they're approaching the damage system for the dinos. It looks like you'd be able to shoot the flesh off there. --> FarCry Instincts! :p
I recall half enjoying half suffering through the original Turok64.

I bought it mostly because of the graphics. The graphics were so impressive it was easy to forgive it's flaws. Sort of like Gears of War. At the time quake1 was about the most advanced 3d fps game out. And when I played quake it was software rendering and 256 color. Turok64 looked insanely good visually by comparison. Also dinosaurs were in at the time.
looks great..

Visually it's Kind of a blend of Crysis and Gears of War with dinosaurs thrown in for good measure... not a bad combination!

The only thing that lets the screens down is that t-rex - the one out of king kong was much more convincing in my opinion.



King Kong:

Now all that's missing from this turok game is turok it seems.

I read he's not in it and instead you play a soldier or some bullsahit like that. If that's true then why bother calling it turok at all. Iut's not as if the brand name carries awesome weight with it after the duds acclaim put out in the last few installments.

First one was fab. Then it went downhill from there.

Actually the brand name does carry weight, because people do recall how awesome the first one (second wasn't to bad) was. It also is an easy way for people to know the settings right away and it gives people who played the later ones "hope" for this one and they're much more likely to rent/check it out.
Wow thast f****** awesome graphics. I wonder if the pics represent the actual quality. Thast TOO good for a game coming so soon in consoles' life
I'd be interested to see how they work out the dinosaur AI. I just keep thinking of Jurassic Park, but... who knows how they'll approach it in a game. :)

Have the Turok games been gory in the past?
Jungle environments and foliage are one of the few things that the new graphics hardware really impresses me with (the detailed environments of a close-quarters game like Gears of War are another). There's just no comparison between this and, say, the Xbox version of Far Cry.