More sales charts... (US)

At these prices, we're basically talking about a luxury good.

From the very first announcement, Sony have always made it clear that PS3 was going to be marketed as a "luxury item", and the price reflected it. They even explicitly said it - i think Ken Kutaragi said it at E3. Remember? When he said something like "it's not going to be cheap"...

The high price of the PlayStation 3, along with the retail practice of bundling the console with software, has lead to a glut of stock online, claims tracking firm NotifyWire.

The company believes the fervour greeting the console launch has already slowed, with consumers put off by forced software and hardware bundles which in some cases can see the retail price doubled.

"I think we're already at the point where people won't pay a premium for the console or be forced into buying bundles," said Ian Drake, president of NotifyWire.
I'll file this one under the "amusement" category.

The main Kutaragi quote I remember is that through the ps3 people will "learn discipline." Unfortunately for Ken, the main discipline they're learning is patience as they wait for their console. ;)

Possible but without a proper analysis, I'm surprised the President of NotifyWire can conclude anything. Typically such analysis is done via some sort of regression. Comparing number of minutes sold out in select "online stores" may not be accurate.

e.g., What online stores have PS3 in stock during the last month ? Are those online stores trustworthy ? Are they refering just to eBay "online stores" ?

EDIT: I just checked NotifyWire... it's just a simple price tracking site. :D

On second thought... is Mr. Drake advertising his site by hopping on the PS3 buzz bandwagon ?
Drake also believes that consumers are becoming less trustful of auction sites such as eBay, where newly released consoles can sell for double the recommended retail price.

"I think people are tired of being gouged on eBay, and services like are making it easier for the everyday person to buy the PlayStation 3 online from a retailer they know and trust."
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Aww, be a sport and give your reasons. Worst that'll happen is I'll pull the rope tight and heckle mercilessly. ;)

:LOL: Use the search or check my past posts. Or better yet, just ask your almighty purchasers. Walmart is famous for their practice in forecasting and allotment.
"The company believes the fervour greeting the console launch has already slowed, with consumers put off by forced software and hardware bundles which in some cases can see the retail price doubled."

I suspect that's part of why the ebay market has fallen through the floor. The real gamer's are fed up with being gouged by ebayers who care nothing about gaming. Gamers want to play games, not be gamed by the system.

One other thought on the 'ps3 as a luxury item" line... what are the chances a luxury item will have the mass market acceptance of the ps2? Especially when there are two strong rivals, one which competes with performance, the other competing with innovation, and both competing with lower prices.
One other thought on the 'ps3 as a luxury item" line... what are the chances a luxury item will have the mass market acceptance of the ps2? Especially when there are two strong rivals, one which competes with performance, the other competing with innovation, and both competing with lower prices.

PS3 was never meant to be marketed like the PS2, at least initially. Sony doesn't expect to have "another PS2", that's quite clear from decision they have made, from the product itself to the pricing.
He jumped over the rope, but some heckling is unavoidable.

:LOL: Use the search or check my past posts. Or better yet, just ask your almighty purchasers. Walmart is famous for their practice in forecasting and allotment.

I doubt walmart's purchasers are almighty enough to be able to tell me "Patsu will buy a ps3 at 5-600 dollars because..." and then explain why.

At least, I hope they're not that almighty. :runaway:
One other thought on the 'ps3 as a luxury item" line... what are the chances a luxury item will have the mass market acceptance of the ps2? Especially when there are two strong rivals, one which competes with performance, the other competing with innovation, and both competing with lower prices.

There will be some negative impact, but we'll find out by how much. Logitech sold tons of $300 mouse, the $100 more expensive iPods also thrashed its cheaper MP3 cousins. And the iPod shuffle is more expensive and has no back/forward buttons !

The issue is more with Sony's inability to deliver enough PS3 to capture the initial launch customers, and their lack of PR.
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I doubt walmart's purchasers are almighty enough to be able to tell me "Patsu will buy a ps3 at 5-600 dollars because..." and then explain why.

At least, I hope they're not that almighty. :runaway:

Get them to show you the system. Your purchasers are kings in all the suppliers' eyes. They even get suppliers into a closed room and have reverse auction to force the price low (sometimes the margin is just 1 cent... for commodity items).
I found it interesting surveying the retail landscape this evenening. Clearly Xbox 360's are not going to sell out, or even close. Best Buy had two stacks I think, large stacks. The premium stack was a lot more depleted than the core stack, but neither was in any danger of selling out.

Wal Mart also had 360's, PSP's, and PS2 (it sells better than 360) in stock. I didn't really look for DS, but I'm assuming it wasn't in stock. For that matter I dont recall and GBA's or anything, but I'm stretching my knowledge on that because I really wasn't looking.

I found it interesting that oddly, Wal Mart has plenty of ipods in stock, we're talking 40-50 Nano's behind the glass, but most of the cheaper knock offs appeared to be long sold out. In most cases I cant see why anybody wouldn't go for the Ipod either, as the knockoffs typically didn't present great savings or value, (and in many cases were asthetic disasters) so in my judgement why bother, just get the ipod. I can only surmise that the knockoffs were not ordered in as great a qauntity. Ipod is like 360, they know people will buy it, it's in supply, so they order a ton, therefore it stays in stock.
I found it interesting that oddly, Wal Mart has plenty of ipods in stock, we're talking 40-50 Nano's behind the glass, but most of the cheaper knock offs appeared to be long sold out. In most cases I cant see why anybody wouldn't go for the Ipod either, as the knockoffs typically didn't present great savings or value, (and in many cases were asthetic disasters) so in my judgement why bother, just get the ipod. I can only surmise that the knockoffs were not ordered in as great a qauntity. Ipod is like 360, they know people will buy it, it's in supply, so they order a ton, therefore it stays in stock.

Creative Zen Vision:M >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> iPod and its Microsoft like iTunes.
Clearly, much of the initial demand was from ebayers who wanted to flip the console for profit. They've found that the number of people willing to pay $1,000+ for a game console is even more limited then the number willing to pay $600 for one.

That being said, they'd still have sold out all they've made even if only actual gamers were buying. If they'd actually hit their forecasted production they'd have sold all of them, too. I don't quite understand why.

I have some puzzlement about why anyone wants the ps3 as a games machine right this second:
  • The games selection is limited.
  • Of that limited selection, many are available on other systems.
  • Of those available on other systems, they'll look the same or even better on that other system.
  • The one standout exclusive, Resistance, get kicked in the shins by Gears. (Or so I've gathered... never played either myself.)
  • The cost of the x360 premium system plus Gears is less then the cost of the lower end ps3 system alone.
  • For $600, you can build a good gaming pc.

I can find only one good reason for getting a ps3 right now:
  • It's an awesome Blu-ray player... possibly the best one for the lowest price.

I hope people notice the strong emphasis I've made on "right now". The ps3 is going to be a fine console sometime next year after the price drops and there's a collection of decent games available. Why anyone is in a hurry to get one right now is a mystery. If money's no object then fine, get one. Otherwise, not so fine.

If anyone can explain to me what makes the ps3 worth five or six Benjamins right now, I'd appreciate it.

I think you've fairly nailed it. On a message board of non-gamers at the height of the launch craze, I remember telling them that really, as a games machine for Madden as I put it, the PS3 is currently no better than the 360. It made all the demand a bit ridiculous to me.

It seems to me PS3 is already coming into stock a great deal, we may see it suffering from slow sales like 360 soon, if that's the case, it will be proof that people just dont want to pay $400+ for a system. Before I wasn't really sure if that was it, or if they just didn't like 360.

Shane on 1up made a good point, 360 is going to have to do some major sku streamlining soon. In some form, something's got to be done, the 20 GB HDD is too small, the HDDVD is now floating around, etc. When they do that, I'd hope they provide some real value (maybe, 100GB HDD premium 299, Core 199).

I'd really say the same for PS3. The 20GB version is really just as good, yet since the 60GB version has a bigger number on the end of it, I have a feeling the 20 will be shunned. I really am just very against dual SKU's at this point, they only confuse consumers.
I disagree. I think that 20GB is plenty for 95% of consumers. The Core SKU is necessary for secondary markets (Eastern Europe, Japan, etc...). Making the hard drive bigger and eliminating the Core units just to satisfy the wishes of message board posters wouldn't make good business sense IMO.

On the other hand, it wouldn't surprise me to see a 3rd HD-DVD SKU develop at $499 (but only for movie playback), thereby eliminating Sony's last bullet point. Then soon after, I'm sure we'll see a slimmer X360 for $199 Core, $299 Premium, $399 Premium HD.

That plus Halo 3 and GTAIV releasing would squeeze Sony's balls pretty good next Christmas.
Isn't GTA4 releasing for PS3 at the same time?

If Sony is smart, they'd pay off Take Two/Rockstar to put more content on the Blu-Ray version, as well as secure DLC for the PS3, as MS has done for X360.
Isn't GTA4 releasing for PS3 at the same time?

If Sony is smart, they'd pay off Take Two/Rockstar to put more content on the Blu-Ray version, as well as secure DLC for the PS3, as MS has done for X360.

I believe the PS3 version already announced DLC. The difference being MS took E3 as an oppurtunity to "market" their unique DLC while Sony has been pretty quiet on GTAIV in general. Their comment from E3, "Nice of MS to announce a title coming to our platform" sums up their attitude. GTA was huge on the PS2, so there is little need to draw attention to the issue and give MS even more exposure.
from neogaf post

Media Create HW Dec 11 - 17

DSL 319,708
Wii 108,237
PS3 70,942
PSP 48,962
PS2 37,730
Xbox360 17,168
1. (DS, Pokemon) Pokemon Diamond - 123,573 / 2,119,848
2. (DS, Pokemon) Pokemon Pearl - 97,409 / 1,766,776
3. (DS, Nintendo) Kirby Squeek Squad - 92,173 / 557,634
4. (DS, Sega) Fushigi no Dungeon: Furai no Shiren - 88,242
5. (DS, Nintendo) New Super Mario Brothers - 77,761 / 3,617,021
6. (DS, Sega) Love and Berry DS Collection - 72,841 / 608,545
7. (DS, Nintendo) Jump Ultimate Stars - 71,339 / 349,979
8. (PS2, SCE) Wild Arms 5 - 70,476
9. (Wii, Nintendo) Wii Sports - 69,923 / 318,473
10. (Wii, Pokemon) Pokemon Battle Revolution - 67,607