BGS season 3

**** minor spoiler *****

Did anyone else watch the Gaius torture scene and think it a bit messianic, with even a bit of 'The Last Temptation of Christ' thrown in ?
Agreed. However I thought Doctor Who season 2 and Torchwood were joint effort (financially) between BBC and SciFi.

I don't know about SciFi, but I know the CBC here in Canada gave money for the production of Doctor Who and Torchwood. CBC's name is actually in the credits of Doctor Who (not sure about Torchwood).
I started watching BSG with high hopes, but the religious BS turned me off.
It's supposed to be Sci-Fi, not Rel-Fi...*shrugs*
You'd probably be a little bit of an ass-hat if you were forced to kill your wife too :cry:

I'd kill her too if she was my wife. She was nothing but a pain the whole time, probably the most annoying character in the show, but I guess she did a good job of acting though since that's what she was supposed to be :)
Ack! Thanks for reminding me it's on tonight, I'm gonna run out and pick up a shiny new DVR for the PC room so I can finally watch it in real time. :)
In terms of potential viewers (particularly the coveted 18-25 crowd), Sunday is gobs better than Friday. That's where the X-Files finally hit its stride and sat for 5 years.

And how do you think BSG would have done if it had been put into a Sunday night slot against a high viewer incumbent programme with the same demographic - like say the X-Files? It all depends on the competition for viewers at the same time. We can take it for granted that whatever it's up against will be better supported/promoted than whatever Sci-Fi are doing.
In terms of potential viewers (particularly the coveted 18-25 crowd), Sunday is gobs better than Friday. That's where the X-Files finally hit its stride and sat for 5 years.

There's a difference between BSG's situation and the X-Files' situation. The X-Files was slotted in at 9pm right behind the Simpsons. It had a fantastic and established leadin which allowed its audience to expand and grow in leaps and bounds.

BSG has no such leadin since the SG1/Atlantis/BSG three hour block was broken up.