The Big Forza 2 Thread *


Well here's the deal. Since X06, we've been hard at work on two main areas which are central to the core of Forza 2: performance and graphical tuning. That's not to say that other disciplines aren't getting daily progress (such as car models, audio, tuning, and AI) but it seems performance is where most of the system devs are focused on right now -- and it clearly shows.

As a result of a Herculean team effort, this past week, Turn 10's systems architect Chris Tector checked into the latest build some magic code that now renders the game at 60 frames-per-second with most of the post-processing special effects and car HUD turned on. Because Forza 2 is pushing so many polygons and next-gen effects, the team has had a heck of a time pushing the engine to run the game at a locked, butter-smooth, 60 fps.

The end result, as you can imagine, is simply gorgeous with a capital G. Although games at a consistent v-sync'ed 30 fps look and play great (see also: PGR3), doubling the framerate makes all the difference in the world. Combine that with the fact that our physics engine is now running at an even higher refresh rate than the previous Forza, and you have hands-down the most realistic driving sim on consoles. Of course, like any game development circumstance, these features are often trade-offs for other features. It's still too early to tell what may or may not have to be changed/tweaked in order to maintain 60 fps -- hopefully nothing -- as far as we're concerned.

Hmm. AA drop maybe?

Edit - I'm glad they got that extra time though.
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I see is alot of delays!

Yeah. One of the good things to come out of the PS3 launch schedule. ;)

It means we will see a very solid first half of 2007 though...

OT: but where's Mass Effect?
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It means we will see a very solid first half of 2007 though...

I have to disagree. For me when a game is coming out at June is typicaly a 2nd half 2007 game.
Also i remind you that Assasin's Creed & BIA3 from Ubi , pushed back to financial year 2008. The same with Army Of Two from EA.
Also most Probably Bullet Witch and Vampire's Rain pushed back between spring and summer 2007.

So what it remains for winter 2006-2007 ? Only Lost Planet and Blue Dragon (oh ,and a rehash of GR:AW) .
I dont know but i think that we will live again a winter2005-2006 in terms of quantity.

EDIT: oups i forgot Mass Effect . It supposed to come out January 2007 for Europe and TBA 2007 for USA according to Ign.
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I have to disagree. For me when a game is coming out at June is typicaly a 2nd half 2007 game.

The 'June 2007' quote is out of context - this doesn't mean we'll see them Q2. It means they'll ship this financial year.

I'd guess most of them will launch Q1. Or at least March-ish for obvious reasons. ;)

Edit - I would be very surprised to see BD so soon (outside Japan) by the way.
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Their's a trailer for it on XBLM.

Yeah, and of course you can judge the console version from that one trailer. That's not excactly a brilliant argument, now is it?

But GTR is quite certainly going to be the most realistic game of the two.. But i'll take Forza2 any day. Because really.. Fun factor > Realism. I've been playing Forz on the Xbox for the last few days and i'm still having a blast tuning and modding all the cars. So i'm really looking forward to more cars, more options and more tracks.