Another study: Men smarter than women


When you deal with human minds, how could any scientific method be applicable? There's nothing more disorganized than the insides of our heads. If anyone was to find a corresponding Newton's law on motion and gravity in psychology, we'd undobtedly find it would only apply to one of the sexes, in a particular age group and income bracket of a certain religion, living in a subsection of a specific part of society (such as northern europe, for example).

Psychology's mostly about thinking and believing anyway, what's applicable to one person won't be to another. I don't see how that would be compatible with the general scientific method.

Aparantly you think that scientific methods are all just about making formula's to predict how something behaves. That is only a VERY SMALL part of it.

Scientific methods have much more to do with proper measuring methods (double-blind etc).
And only if you have proper objective measuring methods do you start to think about theories and predictions. And then it must also be possible to falsify the theory.

This is applicable to ANY science!

But it doesn't make for nice headlines. Instead of stating that men are smarter than women, you have to state that men are better in that SAT test than women.
I study linguistics and neurophychology/cognitive psychology is one of my specialization points. I can assure you that psychology is a science with real scientific methods and values. Of course, the application is a bit complicated here, but you always have different application points. As to the article, there is a small difference in the brain build between men and women, but I won't say that men are smarter that women (5 Points in a IQ test seems like statistical error :) Hovewer, I haven't read the article and hence cannot comment on it, but it is likely to find an IQ test where men will beat women (or women will beat men). Take all the IQ stuff with a big grain of salt.
Hovewer, it is true that very few women became famous mathematicians, but I would rather put it on the social developements.
Hovewer, it is true that very few women became famous mathematicians, but I would rather put it on the social developements.


AFAIK, the findings prior to this particular study have in general been that men and women have the same overall average IQ to well within statistical noise, but that the IQs of men exhibit a substantially greater variance that the IQs of women - that is, you will find more women in the middle and more men at the extreme ends (on both sides).

There is also the aspect that if you wish to be remembered as a genius, you generally need not to just have high intelligence, but also the willingness to focus single-mindedly on a narrow subject for years and years to the near exclusion of everything else, so that you can reach new insights/achievements that no-one has reached before you - men do appear to do this a lot more than women; I do not know whether this is purely an artifact of social developments or not.
Ok, I see your point. This is true that men are born hunters - locking on something and bringing it down :) while women tend to have a keeper role. Makes sense to me
"you generally need not to just have high intelligence, but also the willingness to focus single-mindedly on a narrow subject for years and years to the near exclusion of everything else"

You mean like clothes and guys? :)