Which of these mobile phones should I get?

PARANOiA said:
As my contract comes up for renewal, I've been offered a "free" phone... free meaning lock into another contract.

Anyway, which of these do you recommend?

sony ericson k750i
sony ericson k600i
nokia 6280
nokia 6101
samsung z140
motorola v3
nokia 6020
nokia 6230i

The sales guy recommended the 6280, or the K750i. I've never owned a S-E phone, but I've heard ace things about the v3, too.

Let me know :]

This one--> http://k-tai.impress.co.jp/cda/article/showcase_top/27970.html
Missed that one completely. Maybe a used one would be cheap... ;)

But it's hard to get NEC and LG phones here in Germany, mostly you'll get those from providers only, except for a few cheapo mass models.
Damn, next time I'll take a look at NEC before I buy anything. Didn't know they built that many nice gadgets, prolly because of the lacking availability/popularity here.