Tom Cruise - The Placenta Eater.

Captain Chickenpants said:
Erm traditionally it is the mother who should be eating the placenta. Presumably part of the reason was to replace lost iron, protein and other nutrients.


Considering your participation in the cooking knife thread, your knowledge of the nutritional make-up of a placenta is scaring me.

Captain Chickenpants said:
Erm traditionally it is the mother who should be eating the placenta. Presumably part of the reason was to replace lost iron, protein and other nutrients.


yes, my female cats do that.
My geography teacher ate her placenta when her child was born. It didnt shock me then and it doesnt shock me now. Its full of nutrients and goodness. No point in wasting it. Especially well grilled with some BBQ sauce.

Yes its the mother thats suppose to eat it to replace stuff that the baby has taken away so shes fit to look after the new born. Thats not so much of a factor in todays world, so why shouldnt the father eat it if he wants?

Great story for the kids too - "remember when I ate the part of your mother that you had been feeding off of for 9 months, aah the good times...."