Mariah Carey

Never been into belters or twiddly female vocalists myself. I really like Eva Cassidy and Karen Carpenter's voices (more than their music, to be honest). Joni Mitchell stands out too, just because you think "Big Yellow Taxi" and then hear all the jazz stuff she's done with Pastorius etc. Hard to believe it's the same person.

Edit - none of these women are even remotely hot though, lol.
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london-boy said:
I agree that Mariah, as the great business woman that she is surrounded by great business men, focused her career on very commercial music.
And I like her music, just like if I was in the mood for blues, I listen to Stevie Ray Vaughan; or if I was in the mood for rock, I listen to Metallica. They're all in the music industry but they're very different. Depends on what mood yo happen to be in!

If I wanted to read video card reviews that focussed on games, this sure ain't the site for me, although B3D is in the "hardware reviewing industry". But I can appreciate B3D if I wanted something more focussed on the hardware.

Just don't get too serious about entertainment is my message, I guess. :)

BTW, the reason I started this thread is coz I think she's damn sexy. And then you guys get all so serious about music instead!
I hate her, I especially hate her.

She cant sing, and saying anything to try to convince me otherwise is simply pointless. She proves the fact that she cant sing even more by singing on TV, where she does nothing but accent her back up singers, who are actually singing the song. She's also another one of those who needs a obivious backing track, which is actually played out loud so she doesnt have to sing any real lyrics.

Going "ah oh oh ooooo ooooo" in a really high pitch is annoying, not singing.

Though she is hot.
Skrying said:
IShe cant sing, and saying anything to try to convince me otherwise is simply pointless.
Pointless this post of mine may be, and given that I don't know how seriously you take singing (as opposed to singers), I'd have to disagree. Mariah definitely has a wonderful voice and she sings very well. I think maybe what you meant was that Mariah Carey hasn't put out a CD singing the kind of songs you like, in the way you like them to be sung.

Going "ah oh oh ooooo ooooo" in a really high pitch is annoying, not singing.
I gather you will not appreciate any opera singers (that do definitely sing, in higher pitches in fact).

I have a bunch of Ella Fiztgerald and Billie Holiday CDs. I don't think they "can sing" in what I think your context is about (i.e. not "stand out vocals") but they sure sang a bunch of songs I still really like in a way that suited their songs extremely well.
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Her earlier commercial stuff was simply putrid, and the first song I ever liked by her was "Honey" (and man did that video rock). She got a lot better when she embraced the R&B side of music production, certainly from a mainstream perspective. Prior to that she was a prettier celine dion.

Visually, she looked awesome in the "all I want for christmas" video because she had this fun energy about her, that made my pants stir as a teenager. Now she's dressing for attention and looks too made up 90% of the time. She has a strong natural beauty so the makeup looks bad.
What i'd love her seeing is a jazzy/soul-y classy album. She's got the voice, dammit, what's it take to get a good soul producer and make something up... The Emancipation of Mimi really moved towards the right direction in that sense, as all the cheesiness of her last few albums almost completely disappeared. Also the R&B was much less stupid than before. I'm really starting to hate R&B.

That's what she needs, more class. Lose the cheesiness and become a real diva, one of those that stop shows because of her awesomeness, not because of her cleavage and Rapunzel goldylocks.

But she's great.
What really irritates me is the aural gymnastics the R&B Divas tend to subject us to (Carey especially). I don't consider that proper singing - it's the warbling aural equivalent of the wanky saxophone solo so beloved of record producers in the 1980s.

If I wanted to listen to yodelling, I'd buy a Mary Schneider record.
MuFu said:
I hate her.

A good voice but over-articulated to shit and, with one or two exceptions, a pretty mediocre back catalogue of toons. Plus she has weird boobs.
^what he said.especially about the boobs. Big, yet torpedo-like. very weird indeed. (o_O) but gratz on her for doing well..
Mariah was flat as a board when she first hit in the early '90s. I think her boobs look more like basketballs in the way they protrude past her torso. And, yea, she's a f'n cow these days. Anyone catch her New Year's Eve in that white dress? Christ, her legs are the size of my Honda Civic!

And I hate her music. Great voice, but does every song she's recorded have to be an exercise for her vocal range?

Shakira is hot. If you don't think so, you're gay. Like Liberace or Natoma-class gay. :p
Shakira is indeed hot, this is true.

Elvis may have had a great impact on music and still be very popular and the same may happen for Mariah Carey. It's hard to compare since there is a 20 - 30 year gap in time for us to actually compare.

Mariah does hit all those octaves and is a phenomenal singer. I do remember a lot of her music from the 90's but the stuff from the late 90's up til 2004 is the forgettable crap. It's when she lost her mind and her ego went straight to her head.

She's now back to normal.
‘Whenever I watch TV and see those poor starving kids all over the world, I can’t help but cry. I mean I’d love to be skinny like that, but not with all those flies and death and stuff.’ (Mariah Carey)