New Leaked Oblivion Screenshots

pjbliverpool said:
No they don't.

They say the 360 version will look like a top-end PC with all settings maxed out. Some people just have a hard time believing that, I don't see why. Oblivion will be far from the most impressive GFX on consoles next year. Big budget console exclusives will blow it, and anything else on PC, away.
HeBeHu said:
Anyone else notice any difference?




PS. A long time lurker. So "hi!" everybody! :smile:

uhhhh 1 has ugly shaders on and the other is off, i'm not quite sure which is which ..

Why is the aspect ratio different in these pics?
The bottom screen capture was probably taken when rendering in 4:3 mode to a 16:9 screen, hence the "stretching".