Stress + stress + stress = smoking :(


Damn it, not only did I stress out and buy a pack of smokes....but my wife busted me doing so. :???:

I didn't lie or deny, but I still felt like shit. :(

I can't post up at EB about it, and I would really appreciate no one mentioning it over there. Me brother would not only bust my chops but he would also tell me Mommy....which I normally wouldn't mind so much 'cept she just had another spinal fusion on Monday and I don't want to stress her out.

I'm not smoking much, but I still haven't found anything as stress relieving as a quick cigarette. :(
digitalwanderer said:
I'm not smoking much, but I still haven't found anything as stress relieving as a quick cigarette. :(

Sex, drugs and r'n'r maybe? ;)

If it makes you feel better, I tried to severely reduce smoking. Worked fine for about 2 weeks, than I sinned and it was over. Back to 25 a day :(

And think of your pump and how your kids would feel without you, that'll surely motivate you to quit completely.
_xxx_ said:
Sex, drugs and r'n'r maybe? ;)
Haven't had any lately, trying to quit, and I don't get any rest and relaxation! :(

And think of your pump and how your kids would feel without you, that'll surely motivate you to quit completely.
You'd think, wouldn't ya? But it doesn't always help when the kids are stressing me out.

I'm at about 6-8 a day right now, and I'm trying to quit.
My theory on quitting smoking is that you need to stop thinking about what you need to do to stop and question why you started in the first place. What has it ever done for you? (The aqueduct?)

Smoking does not reduce stress. Smoking increases stress. It's something like taking a hammer to your big toe to take your mind off the pain in your finger.

I don't think I will ever quit. I hate it, but it is too powerful. It's not about the nicotine. It's just the habit. If I was locked up for two years without cigarettes I may forget this programming.

Any kids reading this: Never start. You think you are making a decision going in but you will soon learn that it takes those decisions away from you. Never underestimate the power of the dark side of the Force. :cry:
digitalwanderer said:
Damn it, not only did I stress out and buy a pack of smokes....but my wife busted me doing so. :???:

I didn't lie or deny, but I still felt like shit. :(

I can't post up at EB about it, and I would really appreciate no one mentioning it over there. Me brother would not only bust my chops but he would also tell me Mommy....which I normally wouldn't mind so much 'cept she just had another spinal fusion on Monday and I don't want to stress her out.

I'm not smoking much, but I still haven't found anything as stress relieving as a quick cigarette. :(

i'd kick that crowd to the curb. be damned if im going to live my life being scrutinized at that level.
wireframe said:
Smoking does not reduce stress. Smoking increases stress.

Well it reduces stress for a few minutes and than increases it afterwards, to me at least.

To me it's not just a habit but real addiction. It surely is only psychosomatic, but I actually have withdrawal symptoms within less than 2 hours after the last cigarette, sweating and shaking and all that. Really bad.
Cartoon Corpse said:
i'd kick that crowd to the curb. be damned if im going to live my life being scrutinized at that level.
Nah, they're good folks who care about me. Ya need people like that in your life.

Besides, they're ain't like I got a choice. I'm the black sheep of my family, they're all an excellent group of people that I'm kind of honored and flattered to be lumped together with.

I agree that it's more about the habit than the nicotine. Those stupid 5 minutes of freedom outside with my puppies are just life-saving to me, and it just ain't the same standing out there with them not smoking. (I know, I've tried.)
Possible solution

Someone told me that the book: "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking" by Allen Carr has a good success rate in making people stop smoking.
Any book that in its title (or anywhere on the cover) states "the easy way to stop smoking" is surely a fraud. There are banned narcotic substances that are less addictive than ordinary cigarettes...

And xxx, 25 a day, one word: cancer.

That, or a tube of oxygen strapped to the wheelchair you're sitting in because your lungs are so shot you can't even walk without running out of breath.
My father smoked around 5 packs/day for almost 40 years of his life. His lungs were like blackened moldy cheese with swiss holes and missing the bottom third of their mass. Yea, he died of congestive heart failure last year. Last time I saw him he was trying to eat lunch. He'd take his oxygen mask off long enough to take a bite of his sandwich and I'd watch his oxygen levels drop 15-20 pts within seconds and then slowly climb back up after he put it back over his face.

My dad smoked 5-6 packs a day for the last 40 years or so and he hasn't had a bloody lick of trouble from it, it annoys me to no small end!
John Reynolds said:
My father smoked around 5 packs/day for almost 40 years of his life. His lungs were like blackened moldy cheese with swiss holes and missing the bottom third of their mass. Yea, he died of congestive heart failure last year. Last time I saw him he was trying to eat lunch. He'd take his oxygen mask off long enough to take a bite of his sandwich and I'd watch his oxygen levels drop 15-20 pts within seconds and then slowly climb back up after he put it back over his face.
My Dad smoked like that for 20 years and had some problems with blood coming from his mouth (before I born). The Doctor scared him saying "You will die very soon if you dont stop now". He stoped and lived more 40 years. Thanks to god and the smart doctor by using the event to make my Dad stop.

Think you are a Dad and your family loves you. Stop now :)
it's a different lifestyle, not sitting in front of a PC or in the office, etc most of the day. An active lifestyle (a really active one, like hunter, or proper farmer, similar stuff) does more to negate all the negative effects of smoking so you end up in "no effect" zone and people living to more than 90 yo without problems like any other old man even though they smoked for 70 years...

But listen to this story, from (now retired) colleague from work. She used to smoke about 100 a day. Like wake up 5am, and didn't stop until 10-11pm when she went to bed. One after another as she could smoke at work (still the old days). And the reason she quit is that she became sick of them. Physically sick, just like that one morning, when she light up the cigarrete he stomach turned, so she couldn't do it anymore. She tried smoking again after a few weeks but same "sick" feeling so she couldn't smoke. That's why she quit, otherwise no way - body is an interesting organism, but she has some breathing problems now because of it, even though she stopped nearly 10 years ago now...
5 packs a day!!! Wow, I can´t imagine how anyone could smoke that much (though I know people do)
I smoke too, but only average 5 cigs a day, one in the morning, one when I get bact from work, and two or three during the course of the evening with the last one before I go to bed. I can't think of smoking even a one full pack a day, I´m sure I'd feel sick as hell after so much smoking. And I feel quilty even smoking that much and would like to quit completely, I can quite easily be without smoking a day or two, even a week or month if I really stretch it, but it seems even though I don't smoke much I can't quit it completely.
Even with the little amount of smoking I do, I feel much better if I haven't smoked for a longer period of time, much more energetic... still the addiction remains if I don't get my fix.
And I even started smoking at a later age of about 25, silly me.
apparently the some effects of smoking start very fast with just a few cigs a day, that's the reason why passive smoking is quite bad even though the total amount of various "bad stuff" inhaled is a lot lower than in real smokers. I think I could dig out the link for a study somewhere if you want an extra reason to stop ;)...
Well, my Mom quit on the nicotine patches. It worked really well for her, so it's something to consider. You could also try carrying around a pack of ordinary chewing gum to use when you get the urge of smoking through habit (nothing special, just something else to do with your mouth to keep your mind off smoking).
I like the patch, I can quit pretty easy with the patch....but I usually slip a couple of 4-5 months later and start the cycle again. :(
I quit a bunch of times. These days I can smoke a cigarette or two from time to time without getting back on the addiction train. It is definitely the habit thing that is hardest to break. Wellbutrin worked for me at one point. Alcohol mixed with other smokers is my weakness. I still can't say no to a smoke when I'm drunk.
Reading what some of you guys are saying, you really should check out EasyWay.
It's not genius, in fact it's the most simple concept ever, and the Allan Carr really tries to stretch it out to fill a book and answer all the myths and the lies we tell ourselves - and believe me, they're all in there.
The book is terribly written [he admits he is not a writer] and really could do with some serious editing to maintain coherence throughout.
I didn't finish it but got the gist before stopping smoking.
I've been clean for a year now and, if you'd known me before, I was known for being a smoker.
Sometimes I am so surprised that my life no longer revolves around ciggies and things are still 'normal'.
It's simple: you are addicted to nicotene only . Smoking is just the medium by which to take it. Patches are too: hence, why they don't help in the long run. All the conditioning, all the lies we tell ourselves (many of which we don't recognise as lies anymore - except for the tiny little nag that you are not sure you believe what you yourself are saying - like when you reiterate a newsstory that you know you don't have enough information on) it's all because we fear being without nicotene, cannot concentrate or relax without it - two complete opposites!? as suggested in the book. All of the other excuses all boil down to the fact that the nicotene addiction has to be fed periodically in order to restabilise yourself for a while and stop thinking about when you will get the next fix.
It's so simple yet too complicated for me to try to explain here, because i don't have the skill or patience.
Basically I stopped smoking by recognising when I was craving nicotene and riding it out. I also started to recognise when I was bullshitting myself - the day I decided to stop was the classic example:-

[Scene: smoking booth outside work - d3v smoking roll-up]
/thinks to self:
Ok, i'll just get the Christmas season over, then I'll stop...
[What am I afraid of here? Will I combat this if I can't even get over this first step of the fear of being without during a traditionally heavy merrymaking part of the year?]
Ok then, when this tobacco is finished...
[Because I've already paid for it!? If it were a mouldy sandwich I wouldn't finish it just because I'd paid out money.]
Ok then, after this shift...
[My job may suck but who am I kidding that it sucks any less because I can smoke? If it is stressful/dull then why should it be more stressful/dull without ciggies?]
Ok then, after this cigarette...
[Why am I wanting to finish it? - 'needing', more like!]
/puts cigarette out unfinished, a few hours into shift, half a pouch of 'baccy left, in the middle of October

Took a couple of days of feeling the pang rising and recognising it for what it is.
It took probably three months like this for me to experience many social situations that I would normally associate with smoking.

Not very well put at all but I want to get back to some gaming. ;)

It's worth checking out, just for some of the revelations and eye-openers about yourself - I promise.
If you're smart enough you won't use some of the more preachy madman bits as an excuse to write it off.
It's funny in places too.

Ps. Use that honey herbal tobacco if you absolutely must use tobacco with pot