How to make friends with girls?

Vysez said:
You're a desperate case, that doesn't count. You're the exception that proves the rule.

So, in other word you went to a girl college thinking you'll get to feel as much ass as a public toilet located near a Chilli Con Carne Jamboree.

And all you got fell was the shame of being call a dork with a purple car by the local frat dudes?

I knew there was a God out there. And I knew he knows what Internet comedy is all about.

I met a girl last week in an unusual manner: went to a Beaujolais breakfast where I met the girl, drank 2½ bottles of wine and we sojourned to the pub afterwards. I can't guarantee this will work for anyone else however. I'm not quite sure how it worked for me! :smile:
Mariner said:
I met a girl last week in an unusual manner: went to a Beaujolais breakfast where I met the girl, drank 2½ bottles of wine and we sojourned to the pub afterwards. I can't guarantee this will work for anyone else however. I'm not quite sure how it worked for me! :smile:
Booze does wonders, that's true.
Vysez said:
Booze does wonders, that's true.
It's a double edged sword:
The Bard said:
Lechery, sir, it provokes, and unprovokes; it provokes the desire, but it takes away the performance: therefore, much drink may be said to be an equivocator with lechery: it makes him, and it mars him; it sets him on, and it takes him off; it persuades him and disheartens him; makes him stand to, and not stand to; in conclusion, equivocates him in a sleep, and, giving him the lie, leaves him.
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Vysez said:
So, in other word you went to a girl college thinking you'll get to feel as much ass as a public toilet located near a Chilli Con Carne Jamboree.

And all you got to feel was the shame of being call a dork with a purple car by the local frat dudes?

I knew there was a God out there. And I knew he knows what Internet comedy is all about.


actually, i never see any frat guys. the girls just all go to UNT for the parties. I've never had the opportunity to go to any parties so haven't met anyone from UNT aside from the occasional guy that girls sometimes parade through the lounge late in the evening before trotting off to her room with him (or seeing them leave the next afternoon... but they don't say much then).
Sage said:
actually, i never see any frat guys. the girls just all go to UNT for the parties. I've never had the opportunity to go to any parties so haven't met anyone from UNT aside from the occasional guy that girls sometimes parade through the lounge late in the evening before trotting off to her room with him (or seeing them leave the next afternoon... but they don't say much then).

so, girls dont parade you to their room i guess?....:LOL:
Is it just me, or wouldn't being in a college full of girls none of whom put out in your direction (whilst simultaneously working their way through the rest of the local male population) be much, much worse than being in a college half full of women (none of whom, etc.) plus half full of men, who are at least people one can go out and get shit-faced with to forget that you're Not Getting Any(TM)?

I dunno, but I just wonder if being surrounded by women all the time sometimes isn't all it's cracked up to be :devilish: :devilish:
nutball said:
Is it just me, or wouldn't being in a college full of girls none of whom put out in your direction (whilst simultaneously working their way through the rest of the local male population) be much, much worse than being in a college half full of women (none of whom, etc.) plus half full of men, who are at least people one can go out and get shit-faced with to forget that you're Not Getting Any(TM)?

I dunno, but I just wonder if being surrounded by women all the time sometimes isn't all it's cracked up to be :devilish: :devilish:

well first of all i've never been one to go get shit-faced anyhow. Do you know what I do on thurs (no classes on friday), friday, and saturday nights? I study / do homework. I don't have time to go out and party. But, it really is fantastic- all of the guys there (except for myself and the creepy freaks) are always going to parties and getting laid.

It's just the guy who'se like 33 and just got out of prison for being like a huuuuuuuge crackhead and is trying to turn his life around now, the guy who has some kind of social retardation and is like the creepiest person you've ever met (seriously, i was alone in the elevator once and it stopped and he and this girl got in, i was pretty much in the back corner of the elevator and her eyes light up with hope when she sees me, she walks straight to the back and just kind of squeezes in between me and the wall, noone says anything and creepy guy just sort of glares at me), and the guy who SEEMS normal at first... he chewshis food with his mouth wiiiide open, he is always offering "massaaaages" to girls (who keep turning him down but sometimes he just starts in without asking), people catch him in the act often several times a day, and he casually reaches his hand down the front of his pants, scratches, then sniffs his fingers for a long time in front of everyone (although he is usually discreet enough that somehow almost noone notices). And then there's me- really hot (I don't think I am but I keep hearing that people think I am), huge penis (i thought it was small, turns out i'm a good 1.5-2 inches longer than I thought... and there have been comments made... :cool:), and I'm fvcking rich... BUT, I am just lacking some social functions that allow people to interact on certain levels. Those are the guys that AREN'T getting anything (of course, I'm not including the gay guys because they're not getting any from the girls... but they're definitely getting some!)
Deepak said:
I am 25, time is running out for me.;) I went to a boys only school, did college through correspondence, never knew a girl. Even in office there are hardly any girls of my age. Never had any inclination to chase girls.

But in recent past twice I met girls who I felt I was getting attracted to. I wanted to speak to them, first girl boards the same bus as mine, many times I wanted to speak to her but couldn't:oops: . Then I sent her an sms but sadly it had oppsite effect. I came to know that she was angry with me for sending sms.

Then few days ago I met another girl at a conference, fortunately I was asked to coordinate work with her. I spoke with her many times. Then on the last day I wanted to ask her, her email add or cell no but I again faltered. I couldn't. Actually it was always at back of my mind, what if she refused, or if she took it wrongly (ours is still a conservative society). I was confused hence couldn't do it again. Though she may get shifted to our office later, so there is still hope.

What to do? Any tips? Keep in mind that I live in a conservative society. Help me. Should I take one step at a time and not rush into things.

I am afraid I don't know enough about Indian culture to help you out there. All the people I know from that region met their significant other through family or friends.
stay away from girls! you may be happier alone (worth considering). (contrary to what 'they' tell you). the rules are all twisted to your disadvantage these days. you are forced into servitude (or else).

and they're not "sugar and spice and everything nice" (like 'they' say). they're quite stinky. why else do you think they spend so much time with primping.

the biochemical reaction they call 'love' from the hypothalmus is TEMPORARY. it's a trick. it wears off and you wonder how the hell you got into this.

they are money wasting machines as well. cards...drapes...knick, hair, clothes all manner of worthless expenditures.
_xxx_ said:
I wouldn't call any of these worthless, I like my women all pimped up and shiny ;)

Like this?

Oh yeah, on topic: Deepak, you can't make "friends" with girls. At some point in time, there will be feelings involved, even if only on one side and that's where it all goes down the toilet. Seriously.
Thanks guys for sharing your expertise, keep them coming. I am reading each one of them and learning. ;)
DemoCoder said:
Muff Diving expertise will definately win you huge favors as well as repeat customers. :)


Ain't that the truth.

Deepak, why not just ask her out casually to dinner or a movie or something else?

I mean what kind of signals is she sending you? Is she interested at all? Is she giving the impression she likey ?
Read the book 'The game' By Neil Strauss. Highly amusing read on pickup artists, it also contains a ton of tricks on how to approach women and perk their interest. Things I do all the time without thinking, they make explicit. (Like what they call 'neging' a female, you give her a comment that irratates her like 'oh you have lipstick on your teeth' and then ignore her for 3 minutes or so. Attractive women hate this and its unusual to them, so naturally they are already kinda paying attention)

Seduction is almost a science to these guys, its hilarious.

Learn party tricks too, stuff to talk about that keeps everyone focused on you. Obviously confidence is the key here
Fred said:
stuff to talk about that keeps everyone focused on you

where can i learn how to do this! and i mean like without being a pervy lurker... oh and without running around on the furniture all excitedly while talking to people