Why Nintendo Won't Grow Up

I wouldn't say Miyamoto is a better game designer than Suzuki or vice versa. To even think that is ludicrous. They both have their own styles.

I enjoy Suzuki's games because most of them are adult/arcade oriented while most of Miyamoto's is for the young kid in me. I can't see Miyamoto making a game like F355 and I can't see Suzuki making a game like SMB. Ultimately what both game designers bring to the industry and for me is FUN ;)
I beg to differ about those comments about Ultima 7 and Ultima 8 not being 3d worlds. They may have been entirely sprite based, but both engines had 3d worlds. Everything has Width, height and depth. All objects have a 3d bounding box. All objects have x,y,z coords in the world. The only way you could say they weren't 3d is if you require they use polygons, or you require a non fixed view point. At the time, it would have been too slow to use texture mapped polygons, it wouldn't have looked as good, and using a fixed view point simplifies the object sorting.

Something you wouldn't know, Ultima 7 even used a z buffer to help with depth sorting.

Here's a screenshots of Ultima 8 with object bounding boxes shown:
Grall said:
Tagrineth said:
And Star Fox on SNES was quite possibly the first truly main stream 3D rendered game, and one of the first to be 100% 3D.

How do you define "mainstream"? There were lots of 3D games on the Amiga and Atari ST long before Star Fox.

Even Elite on the C64 has to be mainstream enough to fit as 'the first truly mainstream 3D rendered game'.


mainsttream is "sold to more than a few geeks" ;)

Elite sold 100k and was considered a success for its time. In the same time Nintendo games were already in the millions.
jvd said:
Yu Suzuki I though he made more games then those listed on that site.

like this game http://us.imdb.com/Title?0295009 who no one directed or produced... oh incase you don't want to look its Virtual fighter 3.... unless he decieded to skip that one.

i think he was producer of virtua fighter 3.

some game credits are incomplete.
this may affect miyamoto titles too.
(i guess you only searched for suzuki's missing titles..)

you can update IMDB.

i searched on mobygames this title doesn't appear.

there is a more complete list of title suzuki worked here:
(but shenmue II is missing, and we don't know what was his role on each title..)
jvd said:
eh nintendo just shoves his face into everything where as yu likes to hide in his team. whats his team's name now hit makes or something

IMO it's logical that miyamoto is more seen as his role is more important. i could imagine sega w/o suzuki, but i couldn't imagine nintendo w/o miyamoto. perhaps i'm wrong..

and would you want us to believe that yu suzuki is a shy and secret guy ? he gives interviews and he shows his face, like the others..
Why wont KCET grow small?
Why wont Bungie grow old?
Why wont AM2 get more sexually deprived?

What a stupid article.
Miyamoto do what he likes to do, do what he sees fit for Nintendo.
Not everyone has to do an "Adult" game. :oops:
IMO it's logical that miyamoto is more seen as his role is more important. i could imagine sega w/o suzuki, but i couldn't imagine nintendo w/o miyamoto. perhaps i'm wrong..

I'll agree to that.
wazoo said:
Elite sold 100k and was considered a success for its time. In the same time Nintendo games were already in the millions.

Elite was initially a BBC Micro game back in 1984, and has been converted to many a platform. I can assure you it sold rather more than 100K copies! A million copies would be much closer to the mark.
Gerry said:
wazoo said:
Elite sold 100k and was considered a success for its time. In the same time Nintendo games were already in the millions.

Elite was initially a BBC Micro game back in 1984, and has been converted to many a platform. I can assure you it sold rather more than 100K copies! A million copies would be much closer to the mark.

maybe, but you know nostalgia does inflate sales. For example, CIV1 sold 650K on PC when it was released, mch less that the buzz it generated.

of course, piracy does bias the analysis.
Na i just glanced an noticed there are about 15 games that i know of that weren't on the list(That he had some role in.)

would the first 3d game be star wars on the old apples ?

Its like how wolfinsten gets credit for being the first fps meanwhile ultima underworld was out at the same exact time if not earlier and no one remembers it.
BTW, one little thing that's been at the back of my mind... Does anybody know if Seamus or Lorne Lanning have any kids? Most dev's I've talked to that have kids do tend to have a different outlook about a great deal many things than those who do not...
Semus and Lornie, the 2 xbox whores, bashing Nintendo non "adult" games.....how surprising.......... :rolleyes:
chap said:
Semus and Lornie, the 2 xbox whores, bashing Nintendo non "adult" games.....how surprising.......... :rolleyes:

yes you're right, what a bad not to say strange choice..
and i agree w/ your other remark too..

for sure the typical miyamoto stuff doesn't satisfy the tastes of every gamer. (no one could satisfy everyone tastes..)

but why would he have to change ?

i prefer nintendo making deals w/ other companies like capcom and/or using new talents.. and miyamoto continuing to do what he does so well.

there is still a big audience for his stuff, and not only fans and kids..

and about the stereotypes: the stereotype i see the most these days is about violence and immorality. for many people videogames = slaughter, mass-killing, snipping, cars roberry, whores.... i think THIS is the stereotype that do much damage to the videogames and the gamers. and i see miyamoto works doing much good against it. this is true for rare gems like ICO too.
What about games that used vector graphics like Battle Zone? That's true 3D AFAIC, it's just not shaded.
There are games from the same period that used shaded/filled objects as well. Tau Ceti comes to mind, and if I remember correctly that was released in 1985 on the Spectrum 48k (review)

Does the fact that I spent hours enjoying that game and it's graphics make me seem old? :D
If miyamoto wanted to make a resident evil game then let him.I'm sure it will be better than anything out there. If he doesn't let him make something else. I buy games for gameplay , fun factor and story. If he keeps makeing games that are strong in those three things I will keep buying them no matter how fuzzy wozzy it is .
Bogotron said:
What about games that used vector graphics like Battle Zone? That's true 3D AFAIC, it's just not shaded.
There are games from the same period that used shaded/filled objects as well. Tau Ceti comes to mind, and if I remember correctly that was released in 1985 on the Spectrum 48k (review)

Does the fact that I spent hours enjoying that game and it's graphics make me seem old? :D

I wasn't aware of that, however, don't feel bad I was playing Battle Zone at the arcades during junior high too ;)
Vince said:
Magnum PI said:
dislike seamus bleackley comments..
"He's reinforcing stereotypes about games, not pushing them to a place where they can become something different and truly awesome."

Seamus has no buisness talking about image or stereotyping; his image is about as cool as the XBox's. Red or bleached blond hair and stud earrings. Somone tell this guys thats not cool anymore, nor is seeing his ass promoting video games reaching out to have mass market appeal anymore than listning to John Carkmack <insert bowing smilie here>.

For this guy to lecture a legend on whats "in" or "cool" or "good" with gaming is like taking fashion lessions from.... Michael Jackson or Vanilla Ice <shutter>

i agree with you. i think that the attempts microsoft made to appear appeling to younger people during the xbox promotion were risible.

seamus with his wanabe-cool look.

and even the billionary bill gates wearing xbox promotionnal clothes/

like in this picture:
or here:

imo it seems so fake.. i think (i hope) people are not that gullible .

the feeling i have is he disguised himself in order to please the stereotype of gamer his marketing team dressed. i see it as a lack of respect of his customers. what's next ? tatoos ? skateboard ? smoking pot ?
i'm ready to accept i'm exaggerating a little bit.

fortunately they didn't say in this article that miyamoto should dress like a schoolboy to please his kiddy audience.