Radiosity in GPU


This Demo is compute radiosity in GPU.version 0.0015

The algorithms is:

Use three 32bit fp texture store the patchs's attribute.
Texture1: B,DeltaB,patch id,DeltaB*area
Texture2: pos,area
Texture3: normal,ref

first,init the three textures.

while (need iterative loop)
DownSample the Texture1 to 1X1 Texture find the max DeltaB*area value patch-the shoot patch.

Use the shoot patch's pos and normal to Get the ShadowMap.//not implement in current version

Compute radiosity in GPU,and set the shoot patch's DeltaB=DeltaB*area=0;

The current version is use three patchs to test algorithms.and not implement visible function.

The next version's plan is add shadowmap to implement visible function in F.and use big scene replaced three test patchs.
Hmmm I'm confused what's the shadowmap for (I see its not implemented though) considering radiosity has built in shadows. Haven't seen the demo though but the algorithm seems a little more complex than the normal algorithm I've seen for computing radiosity on the GPU (where its just running around just rendering from the patch positions to calculate visibility of all other patches then iterating over light reflectance off the GPU once visibility is known for all patches). So curiousity asks me what is the advantage of this algorithm?
Cryect said:
Hmmm I'm confused what's the shadowmap for (I see its not implemented though) considering radiosity has built in shadows. Haven't seen the demo though but the algorithm seems a little more complex than the normal algorithm I've seen for computing radiosity on the GPU (where its just running around just rendering from the patch positions to calculate visibility of all other patches then iterating over light reflectance off the GPU once visibility is known for all patches). So curiousity asks me what is the advantage of this algorithm?

I want to use shadowmap to do visible determinate,the other patchs with the shoot patch. It is the same as your mention.:)