SH Lighting,PRT and Key Frame Motion


I have a idea about use SH Lighting and PRT in Key Frame Motion.Compute the PRT of the vertex per-key frame,then blend dot(SH Lighting,the PRT of the first key frame) and dot(SH Lighting,the PRT of the second key frame). But used this method,the disadvantage is more storage requirements.
I've played around with this idea, but the cost in terms of memory is just prohhibitive, so I haven't really persued it.

I could also see odd shadowing artifacts because of animating the SH basis, but it probably wouldn't be visually horrible.
Blending SH basis isn't mathematically correct, so your going to have to see if the artifacts and memory issues are worth it.

Peter Pike Sloan et al, have done some work for this year SIGGRAPH I believe about animated SH.
DeanoC said:
Blending SH basis isn't mathematically correct, so your going to have to see if the artifacts and memory issues are worth it.

Peter Pike Sloan et al, have done some work for this year SIGGRAPH I believe about animated SH.

Is that you made reference Local PRT?

I don't understand the means of the convolution coefficients in Loacl PRT.