Spatial AA vs. Temporal AA

Bjorn said:
Gunhead said:
IMO you are directly marketing if you advertise it on the company website ;)
That's of course true. What i meant was that they haven't really gone out and said that TAA is best thing since sliced bread so accusing them for marketing BS doesn't really seem fair. TAA has many drawbacks but it might still be a good option for some games.
Well, except for the little problem that it's not temporal anti-aliasing.
Chalnoth said:
Well, except for the little problem that it's not temporal anti-aliasing.

Yeah, a better name for it would be a good thing. And i just reread the last page in this thread and that seems to be Gunheads point also. And in that case, i'll agree. It shouldn't say TAA since that's not what it is.
I'm kinda partial to a combination of Simon's and Chalnoth's proposals: Multi-Pass-Jittered Grid Bio-CRT-Filtered Anti-Aliasing (MPJGBCRTFAA for short), but perhaps "temporal dithering" is easiest for everybody...