Demon's Souls Remake [PS5]

Hollowing had no actual effect on DS3 and I really do hope it's the same on DS. I'm ok with the game being hard, but I just could not get over DS2 and the needlessly punitive hollowing that reduces your max health, who the f thought of that?? You die cause the game is hard, so we make the game even harder every time you die, so you die more, and the game gets harder the more you die? What?

I am pretty sure they aren't changing the body and soul form system just like they aren't changing the world and character tendency system. Soul form was a lore and gameplay mechanic in that if you died in body form your soul gets bounded to the nexus. It was pretty complex but there were benefits in staying in soul form.... you could be summoned for coop, can't be invaded, your footsteps are quieter meaning you can sneak up on enemies better, don't have to worry about world tendency switches when dying and you do more damage as well if your character tendency was white.... and probably other things I'm forgetting. There are many ways to return to human form either from an item, invading another player and killing them, defeating a boss, getting summoned and defeating an invader and or defeating a boss.

Also there is a ring early on that can reduce the life penalty by 25% (so max 75% life) if you are white tendency. I never found being in soul form as more difficult but I have never played DS2 for comparison.
And they show of the HUD.

I like that they are using the original games code for the enemy. The Zombie fell into the hole on it's own. :LOL:
I actually like the UI. It's unobtrusive which is better for the immersion.
4K images:

That is the most stunning game I've ever seen. I'm absolutely blown away by it! I can't believe it is real time at 60hz.
Fantasy games having illegible twirly fonts and a UI that looks like it's been carved out of stone/wood is always a pet peeve of mine. So gross.

They probably should have a "turn on crappy fonts" option for the purists.
Yes the UI doesnt look that good.
But it is currently holds the crown of the best looking title released
Sure it gets a huge help with only having a limited play area, thus the artists can really make every square meter shine, and no dynamic change of day (not sure about this)

But why does it look better than all the other titles?
Huge onscreen polygon count prolly double anything else shown
Good unified lighting model
everything else is top notch, particles, animation (except the main characters running!), physics etc

I can hear all around the world in studio's 'we need to put ray traced reflections in our games now, its the hot new thing' even though this looks actually better than spiderman,rachet,watchdog and doesnt use them.