Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) (SARS-CoV-2) [2020]

@orangpelupa are you sure they're making those claims? I believe what you write, but it's just so shocking I can't believe it.

I could see a necklace being a symbol for fund raising, where the proceeds go to funding research. Sort of like those various caused-based bracelets, like the yellow LiveStrong bracelets. Well I would like to think the money made by them goes to fund the cause they stand for. Otherwise they're just pure money grabs.
yeah it probably can't directly hurt people (except those allergy or sensitive with it), and people in Indonesia has been using Eucalyptus in daily life since ancient times, be it for liking the aroma, for decongestant, for massage, etc.
But im concerned it can hurt indirectly by making people overconfident. Only wearing the necklace and wont wear face mask and wont do social distancing.
Yep. Any such solutions should be used in combination.

they said the necklace vapors can kill 100% viruses after a few hours.
That might be true, but the air carrying the virions is encountering the eucalyptus vapours for all of a second. Unless the vapours can instantaneously kill 99% of virions the moment they are mixed, it's unlikely to be at all effective. On the flip side, any reduction to the number of viable virions entering the airways has to be a good thing. Eucalyptus on a mask may be more effective than a mask on its own, for example.

and yep, its hard to find researches. only found a few doctors talking in twitter and western media about anti coronavirus necklace from japan (that was banned from ebay).
Further complicating things, all the experiments with EO's is on influence and rhinoviruses. No-one's ever bothered with coronaviruses before now!
If that is a cure, why not fly firefighting planes or crop dusters filled with eucalyptus extract over the country while everyone is ordered to be outside and eliminate the virus that way?

Not sure how safe that would be. Any safer than using bleach or other strong cleansing chemicals?
I think everyone would asphyxiate. ;) You'd also need a helluva lot of Eucalyptus! Oils at a per-person level is more realistic. Although if everyone did that, I'm sure the resources would be depleted pretty quick.
Ohio's testing is at 20.1K for the day.
Ohio is at +926 new cases, with Cuyahoga County at +179 new cases.

So still very much in the worst times yet.

Here is the trends which is using reported date and not arbitrary and incorrectly identified user reported onset date. This graphic is resized by ~ 75% and taken from the State's Current Trends page:


Here is the raw data for the last few days, filling in the limited data that is available:


Date; Total Tests; New Tests; Tests per 1M Population; Total Cases; Cuyahoga County Cases; Hospitalizations; Total Deaths; New Cases; New Hospitalizations; New Deaths
2020-06-14;    543,260;    7,317;    46,476;    41,148;    5,175;    6,895;    2,557;    300;    31;    3
2020-06-15;    554,128;    10,868;    47,406;    41,576;    5,220;    6,948;    2,573;    428;    53;    16
2020-06-16;    565,034;    10,906;    48,339;    42,010;    5,271;    7,007;    2,597;    434;    59;    24
2020-06-17;    581,444;    16,410;    49,743;    42,422;    5,336;    7,051;    2,611;    412;    44;    14
2020-06-18;    596,875;    15,431;    51,063;    43,122;    5,404;    7,104;    2,633;    700;    53;    22
2020-06-19;    612,854;    15,979;    52,430;    43,731;    5,481;    7,167;    2,667;    609;    63;    34
2020-06-20;    626,765;    13,911;    53,620;    44,262;    5,555;    7,201;    2,697;    531;    34;    30
2020-06-21;    639,991;    13,226;    54,752;    44,808;    5,633;    7,242;    2,700;    546;    41;    3
2020-06-22;    656,318;    16,327;    56,148;    45,537;    5,734;    7,292;    2,704;    729;    50;    4
2020-06-23;    667,077;    10,759;    57,069;    46,127;    5,820;    7,379;    2,735;    590;    87;    31
2020-06-24;    680,687;    13,610;    58,233;    46,759;    5,964;    7,447;    2,755;    632;    68;    20
2020-06-25;    696,200;    15,513;    59,560;    47,651;    6,111;    7,502;    2,772;    892;    55;    17
2020-06-26;    718,086;    21,886;    61,433;    48,638;    6,287;    7,570;    2,788;    987;    68;    16
2020-06-27;    741,353;    23,267;    63,423;    49,455;    6,429;    7,624;    2,804;    817;    54;    16
2020-06-28;    753,246;    11,893;    64,441;    50,309;    6,571;    7,681;    2,807;    854;    57;    3
2020-06-29;    770,860;    17,614;    65,947;    51,046;    6,694;    7,746;    2,818;    737;    65;    11
2020-06-30;    784,362;    13,502;    67,103;    51,789;    6,831;    7,839;    2,863;    743;    93;    45
2020-07-01;    788,403;    4,041;    67,448;    52,865;    7,013;    7,911;    2,876;    1,076;    72;    13
2020-07-02*;    789,704;    1,301;    67,560;    54,166;    7,013;    8,038;    2,886;    1,301;    127;    10
2020-07-03*;    824,481;    34,777;    70,535; 55,257;    7,392;    8,084;    2,903;    1,091;    46;    17
2020-07-04;    844,675;    20,194;    72,262;    56,183;    7,571;    8,111;    2,907;    926;    27;    4
As of now, Florida is reporting +11,458 new cases since yesterday putting their 32 day surge at 132,605 total.

Arizona is at 94,553 with +2,695 new cases. Georgia is at 93,319 with +2,826 new cases for today. Arizona passed Pennsylvania and Georgia will pass PA tomorrow.

Possibly in a week they will both pass Massachusetts, currently at 109,628 total cases.
As of now, Florida is reporting +11,458 new cases since yesterday putting their 32 day surge at 132,605 total.

Arizona is at 94,553 with +2,695 new cases. Georgia is at 93,319 with +2,826 new cases for today. Arizona passed Pennsylvania and Georgia will pass PA tomorrow.

Possibly in a week they will both pass Massachusetts, currently at 109,628 total cases.
6 more days to go right? since they enacted the steps to lock things down?
6 more days to go right? since they enacted the steps to lock things down?

But I doubt anyone will follow it, not when the same folks who issued the new orders openly ignored and downplayed it in the beginning. Perhaps the situation is a bit like "The Boy Who Cried Wolf", except the town elders said the wolf is not a wolf and not even a puppy, it's more like a chipmunk and can be entirely waved off.

I really don't know what percentage of the population is even following the guidelines in these cluster zones.

Also, it's the Fourth of July holiday in the US. Where everyone needs to exert their Freedumbs 4 'Murica!

I think everyone would asphyxiate. ;) You'd also need a helluva lot of Eucalyptus! Oils at a per-person level is more realistic. Although if everyone did that, I'm sure the resources would be depleted pretty quick.
Perhaps they could do a trial today. A quick flight over Mt. Rushmore and either result will have a positive effect on fighting covid19.
2019 Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19) for Dallas County Texas

July 4, 2020 - 24,778 confirmed cases - 395 deaths

24,778 confirmed cases up 1,103 and two new deaths
those 1,103 new cases represent a 4.7% increase over the last day

The 1,103 daily case increase is a new all time high. Not Good.

Increases (by percent) since March 27, 2020 :
21.0%, 19.6%, 11.1%, 12.5%, 14.9%
-- Month of April 2020 --
15.8%, 13.7%, 10.8%, 10.2%, 9.6%, 3.9%, 9.2%, 5.0%, 8.2%, 7.3%, 7.0%, 4.8%, 3.8%, 5.0%, 5.8%,
4.0%, 6.0%, 6.1%, 4.5%, 3.5%, 3.6%, 3.1%, 3.0%, 2.6%, 2.6%, 3.6%, 3.0%, 4.3%, 3.5%, 5.3%
-- Month of May 2020 --
5.3%, 4.9%, 6.0%, 5.7%, 5.9%, 5.3%, 5.2%, 4.9%, 4.7%, 4.5%, 4.3%, 3.9%, 3.8%, 3.6%, 2.9%, 3.0%,
2.8%, 3.0%, 2.9%, 2.4%, 2.3%, 2.5%, 2.0%, 2.1%, 1.9%, 2.1%, 2.1%, 2.2%, 2.1%, 2.2%, 2.3%
-- Month of June 2020 --
2.2%, 2.5%, 2.2%, 2.6%, 2.7%, 2.5%, 2.2%, 2.1%, 2.4%, 2.4%, 2.4%, 2.5%, 2.5%, 2.2%, 2.1%,
2.1%, 2.8%, 2.6%, 2.4%, 2.5%, 2.5%, 2.7%, 2.6%, 2.2%, 2.2%, 2.7%, 2.9%, 2.9%, 2.8%, 2.9%
-- Month of July 2020 --
2.5%, 3.2%, 4.8% and now 4.7%

Increases (by count) since March 27, 2020 :
+64, +72, +49, +61, +82
-- Month of April 2020 --
+100, +100, +90, +94, +97. +43, +106, +63, +108, +105, +107, +79, +65, +89, +109,
+80, +124, +134, +104, +84, +90, +81, +80, +71, +75, +105, +91, +135, +112, +179
-- Month of May 2020 --
+187, +181, +234, +237, +253, +246, +251, +249, +250, +251, +253, +236, +243, +235, +199, +214,
+205, +224, +225, +186, +183, +204, +172, +178, +171, +190, +197, +202, +200, +219, +228
-- Month of June 2020 --
+228, +257, +239, +285, +298, +289, +263, +254, +298, +300, +312, +328, +345, +302, +305,
+306, +413, +392, +394, +395, +408, +454, +445, +391, +403, +496, +561, +570, +572, +601
-- Month of July 2020 --
+544, +708, +1,085 and now +1,103

As of 11:00 am July 4, 2020, DCHHS is reporting 1,103 additional positive cases of 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19), bringing the total case count in Dallas County to 24,778, including 395 deaths.

The additional 2 deaths being reported today include:

  • A man in his 70’s who was a resident of the City of Balch Springs. He expired in an area hospital, and had underlying high risk health conditions.
  • An woman in her 80’s who was a resident of a long-term care facility in the City of Dallas. She expired at home, and had no known underlying high risk health conditions.
An increasing proportion of COVID-19 cases in Dallas County are being diagnosed in young adults between 18 to 39 years of age, such that of all cases reported after June 1st, half have been in this age group.

Increasing reports of cases are continuing to be associated with multiple large recreational and social gatherings since the beginning of June, including house parties.

Of the almost 3,000 cases requiring hospitalization to date, more than two-thirds have been under 65 years of age, and about half do not have any high-risk chronic health conditions. Diabetes has been an underlying high-risk health condition reported in about a third of all hospitalized patients with COVID-19.

The percentage of respiratory specimens testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 increased to 33.7% among symptomatic patients presenting to area hospitals in week 26.

The age-adjusted rates of confirmed COVID-19 cases in non-hospitalized patients have been highest among Hispanics (667.4 per 100,000), Asians (187.4 per 100,000) and Blacks (136.4 per 100,000). These rates have been higher than Whites (43.8 per 100,000). Over 60% of overall COVID-19 cases to date have been Hispanic.

Of cases requiring hospitalization who reported employment, over 80% have been critical infrastructure workers, with a broad range of affected occupational sectors, including: healthcare, transportation, food and agriculture, public works, finance, communications, clergy, first responders and other essential functions.

Of the 395 total deaths reported to date, about a third have been associated with long-term care facilities.
State of Texas complete COVID-19 data breakdown


Data as of 7/4/2020 @3:15 PM:

Total Tests: 2,338,098 (Up +64,507)

Total Viral Tests: 2,071,809 (Up +57,903)

Only 88.6% of Total Tests are Viral Tests the other 11.4% of tests are the useless
Antibody Tests

Cases Reported: 191,790 (Up +8,258)

Fatalities: 2,608 (Up +33)

Texas tests per 1M population are 80,636 (Up +2,225) which places Texas as the 11th worst State.

Click this link: and on the page click the Tests / 1M pop column twice to sort from worst to first

They are using roughly 28.996 million as the population of Texas.

Texas is mixing Viral and Antibody Tests in the total test numbers which is very bad as Antibody Tests are useless in determining if someone has the Coronavirus.

As of today the real number of Total Viral Tests for Texas is 2,071,809 which works out to be 71,452 per 1M population so Texas is really the 7th worst state in testing
Cases in Texas are exploding

Last seven day's case increases are 8,258, 7,555, 7,915, 8,076, 6,975, 4,283, 5,357

First day that cases exceeded 2000 was June 10th.
First day that cases exceeded 3000 was June 17th.
First day that cases exceeded 4000 was June 20th.
First day that cases exceeded 5000 was June 23th.
First day that cases exceeded 6000 was June 30th.
First day that cases exceeded 7000 was July 1st.
First day that cases exceeded 8000 was July 1st.

The numbers of cases in Texas for each week since June 1, 2020 are :

June 1-7 : Total Cases 10,691 - Average of 1,527 per day
June 8-14 : Total Cases 12,876 - Average of 1,839 per day - 20% higher than the previous week
June 15-21 : Total Cases 22,271 - Average of 3,182 per day - 73% higher than the previous week
June 22-28 : Total Cases 37,127 - Average of 5,304 per day - 67% higher than the previous week
June 29-July 4 : Total Cases 43,062 - Average of 7,177 per day - 35% higher than the previous week - Only six days for the week so far
@orangpelupa are you sure they're making those claims? I believe what you write, but it's just so shocking I can't believe it.

I could see a necklace being a symbol for fund raising, where the proceeds go to funding research. Sort of like those various caused-based bracelets, like the yellow LiveStrong bracelets. Well I would like to think the money made by them goes to fund the cause they stand for. Otherwise they're just pure money grabs.

Yeah they indeed made those claims. Really face-palm inducing. The ministry also gave highest award or something to the team behind the eucalyptus necklace.

Months ago when COVID19 pandemic was still being debated, Indonésia health ministry proudly said Indonesia was protected by God, thru strong prayers, thus Indonesia reportedly did not get COVID19.

A few weeks or months after the health ministry said that, Indonesia got a bunch of confirmed infected, and the minister was "banned" from speaking to public. No official announcement but the minister instantly got zero public coverage / announcements
As of now, Florida is reporting +11,458 new cases since yesterday putting their 32 day surge at 132,605 total.

Arizona is at 94,553 with +2,695 new cases. Georgia is at 93,319 with +2,826 new cases for today. Arizona passed Pennsylvania and Georgia will pass PA tomorrow.

Possibly in a week they will both pass Massachusetts, currently at 109,628 total cases.
They haven't maintained the 5,000 > 8,000 rate of earlier. I think the trajectory is about a doubling every week at worst, so I might not hit my 50k forecast by whenever. I see that was last Tuesday, so around the 14th July, 50k a day was my forecast.
Ohio's testing is at 20.3K for the day.
Ohio is at +968 new cases, with Cuyahoga County at +153 new cases.

So still very much in the worst times yet. I do have some hope that people will get their act together and it won't go entirely sideways in Ohio.

Here is the trends which is using reported date and not arbitrary and incorrectly identified user reported onset date. This graphic is resized by ~ 75% and taken from the State's Current Trends page:


Here is the raw data for the last few days, filling in the limited data that is available:


Date; Total Tests; New Tests; Tests per 1M Population; Total Cases; Cuyahoga County Cases; Hospitalizations; Total Deaths; New Cases; New Hospitalizations; New Deaths
2020-06-14;    543,260;    7,317;    46,476;    41,148;    5,175;    6,895;    2,557;    300;    31;    3
2020-06-15;    554,128;    10,868;    47,406;    41,576;    5,220;    6,948;    2,573;    428;    53;    16
2020-06-16;    565,034;    10,906;    48,339;    42,010;    5,271;    7,007;    2,597;    434;    59;    24
2020-06-17;    581,444;    16,410;    49,743;    42,422;    5,336;    7,051;    2,611;    412;    44;    14
2020-06-18;    596,875;    15,431;    51,063;    43,122;    5,404;    7,104;    2,633;    700;    53;    22
2020-06-19;    612,854;    15,979;    52,430;    43,731;    5,481;    7,167;    2,667;    609;    63;    34
2020-06-20;    626,765;    13,911;    53,620;    44,262;    5,555;    7,201;    2,697;    531;    34;    30
2020-06-21;    639,991;    13,226;    54,752;    44,808;    5,633;    7,242;    2,700;    546;    41;    3
2020-06-22;    656,318;    16,327;    56,148;    45,537;    5,734;    7,292;    2,704;    729;    50;    4
2020-06-23;    667,077;    10,759;    57,069;    46,127;    5,820;    7,379;    2,735;    590;    87;    31
2020-06-24;    680,687;    13,610;    58,233;    46,759;    5,964;    7,447;    2,755;    632;    68;    20
2020-06-25;    696,200;    15,513;    59,560;    47,651;    6,111;    7,502;    2,772;    892;    55;    17
2020-06-26;    718,086;    21,886;    61,433;    48,638;    6,287;    7,570;    2,788;    987;    68;    16
2020-06-27;    741,353;    23,267;    63,423;    49,455;    6,429;    7,624;    2,804;    817;    54;    16
2020-06-28;    753,246;    11,893;    64,441;    50,309;    6,571;    7,681;    2,807;    854;    57;    3
2020-06-29;    770,860;    17,614;    65,947;    51,046;    6,694;    7,746;    2,818;    737;    65;    11
2020-06-30;    784,362;    13,502;    67,103;    51,789;    6,831;    7,839;    2,863;    743;    93;    45
2020-07-01;    788,403;    4,041;    67,448;    52,865;    7,013;    7,911;    2,876;    1,076;    72;    13
2020-07-02*;    789,704;    1,301;    67,560;    54,166;    7,013;    8,038;    2,886;    1,301;    127;    10
2020-07-03*;    824,481;    34,777;    70,535; 55,257;    7,392;    8,084;    2,903;    1,091;    46;    17
2020-07-04;    844,675;    20,194;    72,262;    56,183;    7,571;    8,111;    2,907;    926;    27;    4
2020-07-05;    865,069;    20,394;    74,007;    57,151;    7,724;    8,172;    2,911;    968;    61;    4

Here's how they have Ohio shown on their Public Health Advisory System. I'm not sure when they update this, no indicators on what data they're using. The generated PDFs for each individual county is still dated from June 30th.

As of now, Florida is reporting +10,059 new cases since yesterday putting their 33 day surge at 142,664 total.

Arizona is at 98,089 with +3,536 new cases. Georgia is at 95,516 with +2,197 new cases for today.

Possibly in a week they will both pass Massachusetts, yesterday who was at 109,628 total cases (with +210 new cases)

Here's a look at the states with the top number of new cases yesterday, huge differences even between spot 1 and 8.

There's an interesting body of work of naive veterinary medicine established over millennia of animal husbandry. I think it's largely discounted as scientifically unfounded, but those using remedies don't care for the science behind them and only the results. Farmers won't continue to use remedies that don't work, and the animals can't be affected by the placebo effect (that requires an intelligent awareness of being ill, the possibility of being healed, and of receiving something that may heal).

Of course, what works for one animal won't work for another including humans, but it does point to the viability of 'traditional medicines' in human healthcare and avenues of research without poo-pooing ideas as the work of country quacks. Rather than looking at essential oils as 'aromatherapy' using smell to somehow influence health, as if waving some scent around a room or hanging it around one's neck can help, the bioactive properties of the compounds can be considered when there's reason to think they may have some as-yet unproven biological application based on sufficient anecdotal evidence.
Not sure exactly where to post this, but it's related to the pandemic and how off the rails some people are, especially in hot zones.

This woman in Scottsdale, Arizona was super upset with Target for selling face masks. So upset in fact, that she attacked their display....

Police came to her house and she was arrested on IG Live saying she is a spokesperson for QAnon & the White House and wanted the police to “call Donald Trump and ask him” because she can’t share any “classified information.” We’re doomed...
