Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) (SARS-CoV-2) [2020]

Ohio's testing is up at 11.4K, incredibly pathetic to what they had planned in May, even more so in the tests being padded by anyone who needs elective surgery procedures has to have one done, so some tests are being done on healthy people. The trends continue to be on the lower side but rising towards the average.

One positive thing to say is Ohio continues to be lucky despite the conditions and at least they're not Arizona or Florida.

On May 1st, Ohio had 18,743 Cases. On June 5th cases were 37,758. It took roughly 35 days for cases to double. That's an average growth rate of 2%.

Here is the trends which is using reported date and not arbitrary and incorrectly identified user reported onset date. This graphic is resized by ~ 75% and taken from the State's Current Trends page:


Here is the raw data for the last few days:


Date; Total Tests; New Tests; Tests per 1M Population; Total Cases; Cuyahoga County Cases; Hospitalizations; Total Deaths; New Cases; New Hospitalizations; New Deaths
2020-05-19; 277,602; 7,561; 23,749; 28,952; 3,463; 5,117; 1,720; 498; 119; 63
2020-05-20; 287,609; 10,007; 24,605; 29,436; 3,512; 5,198; 1,781; 484; 81; 61
2020-05-21; 297,085; 9,476; 25,416; 30,167; 3,667; 5,295; 1,836; 731; 97; 55
2020-05-22; 305,764; 8,679; 26,158; 30,794; 3,762; 5,379; 1,872; 627; 84; 36
2020-05-23; 314,374; 8,610; 26,895; 31,408; 3,851; 5,437; 1,956; 614; 58; 84
2020-05-24; 322,419; 8,045; 27,583; 31,911; 3,927; 5,476; 1,969; 503; 39; 13
2020-05-25; 330,334; 7,915; 28,260; 32,477; 3,963; 5,511; 1,987; 566; 35; 18
2020-05-26; 337,221; 6,887; 28,849; 33,006; 4,060; 5,579; 2,002; 529; 68; 15
2020-05-27; 347,477;10,256; 29,727; 33,439; 4,137; 5,700; 2,044; 433; 121; 42
2020-05-28;    357,722;    10,245;    30,603;    33,915;    4,211;    5,811;    2,098;    476;    111;    54
2020-05-29;    367,526;    9,804;    31,442;    34,566;    4,318;    5,947;    2,131;    651;    136;    33
2020-05-30;    379,552;    12,026;    32,471;    35,034;    4,369;    6,011;    2,149;    468;    64;    18
2020-05-31;    388,468;    8,916;    33,234;    35,513;    4,444;    6,049;    2,155;    479;    38;    6
2020-06-01;    398,066;    9,598;    34,055;    35,984;    4,508;    6,112;    2,206;    471;    63;    51
2020-06-02;    407,450;    9,384;    34,858;    36,350;    4,581;    6,176;    2,258;    366;    64;    52
2020-06-03;    423,521;    16,071;    36,232;    36,792;    4,669;    6,251;    2,299;    442;    75;    41
2020-06-04;    434,608;    11,087;    37,181;    37,282;    4,732;    6,312;    2,339;    490;    61;    40
2020-06-05;    443,533;    8,925;    37,944;    37,758;    4,789;    6,385;    2,355;    476;    73;    16
2020-06-06;    455,823;    12,290;    38,996;    38,111;    4,827;    6,460;    2,370;    353;    75;    15
2020-06-07;    466,279;    10,456;    39,890;    38,476;    4,858;    6,497;    2,377;    365;    37;    7
2020-06-08;    473,988;    7,709;    40,550;    38,837;    4,910;    6,550;    2,404;    361;    53;    27
2020-06-09;    487,583;    13,595;    41,713;    39,162;    4,939;    6,620;    2,421;    325;    70;    17
2020-06-10;    499,019;    11,436;    42,691;    39,575;    5,011;    6,693;    2,457;    413;    73;    36
States have ramped up testing, since the federal govt. made it clear that the states would have to do so.

But I haven't heard much about contact tracing. Have they been hiring and training the army of contact tracers?

If we manage to drive down the growth in new cases to low 3 digits or even 2 digits, contract tracing could be very effective, as they would be able to jump on any new cluster and more strictly quarantine the infected with more precision.

That is what some countries like Germany have done, though they have driven down infections and a lot of their contact tracing personnel are idle at the moment. But they are confident they can head off a second wave because they're better-prepared to put on little fires quickly.

Of course, money is a big issue because states are already strapped.
2019 Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19) for Dallas County Texas

June 10, 2020 - 12,945 confirmed cases - 274 deaths

12,945 confirmed cases up 300 and three new deaths
those 300 new cases represent a 2.4% increase over the last day

The 300 case increase is the all time high. Not Good.

Increases (by percent) over the last 76 days:
21.0%, 19.6%, 11.1%, 12.5%, 14.9%
-- Month of April 2020 --
15.8%, 13.7%, 10.8%, 10.2%, 9.6%, 3.9%, 9.2%, 5.0%, 8.2%, 7.3%, 7.0%, 4.8%, 3.8%, 5.0%, 5.8%,
4.0%, 6.0%, 6.1%, 4.5%, 3.5%, 3.6%, 3.1%, 3.0%, 2.6%, 2.6%, 3.6%, 3.0%, 4.3%, 3.5%, 5.3%
-- Month of May 2020 --
5.3%, 4.9%, 6.0%, 5.7%, 5.9%, 5.3%, 5.2%, 4.9%, 4.7%, 4.5%, 4.3%, 3.9%, 3.8%, 3.6%, 2.9%, 3.0%,
2.8%, 3.0%, 2.9%, 2.4%, 2.3%, 2.5%, 2.0%, 2.1%, 1.9%, 2.1%, 2.1%, 2.2%, 2.1%, 2.2%, 2.3%
-- Month of June 2020 --
2.2%, 2.5%, 2.2%, 2.6%, 2.7%, 2.5%, 2.2%, 2.1%, 2.4% and now 2.4%

Increases (by count) over the last 76 days:
+64, +72, +49, +61, +82
-- Month of April 2020 --
+100, +100, +90, +94, +97. +43, +106, +63, +108, +105, +107, +79, +65, +89, +109,
+80, +124, +134, +104, +84, +90, +81, +80, +71, +75, +105, +91, +135, +112, +179
-- Month of May 2020 --
+187, +181, +234, +237, +253, +246, +251, +249, +250, +251, +253, +236, +243, +235, +199, +214,
+205, +224, +225, +186, +183, +204, +172, +178, +171, +190, +197, +202, +200, +219, +228
-- Month of June 2020 --
+228, +257, +239, +285, +298, +289, +263, +254, +298 and now +300

As of 11:00 am June 10, 2020, Dallas County Health and Human Services is reporting 300 additional positive cases of 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19), bringing the total case count in Dallas County to 12,945, including 274 deaths.

The additional 3 deaths being reported today include:

  • A woman in her 40’s who was a resident of the City of Dallas. She had been hospitalized, and had underlying high risk health conditions.
  • A man in his 70’s who was a resident of the City of DeSoto. He had been hospitalized, and had underlying high risk health conditions.
  • A woman in her 80’s who was a resident of a long-term care facility in the City of Garland. She expired in the facility, and did not have underlying high risk health conditions.
Of cases requiring hospitalization who reported employment, over 80% have been critical infrastructure workers, with a broad range of affected occupational sectors, including: healthcare, transportation, food and agriculture, public works, finance, communications, clergy, first responders and other essential functions.

Of cases requiring hospitalization, more than two-thirds have been under 65 years of age, and about half do not have any high-risk chronic health conditions. Diabetes has been an underlying high-risk health condition reported in about a third of all hospitalized patients with COVID-19. The age-adjusted rates of confirmed COVID-19 cases in non-hospitalized patients have been highest among Hispanics (667.4 per 100,000), Asians (187.4 per 100,000) and Blacks (136.4 per 100,000). These rates have been higher than Whites (43.8 per 100,000).

Over 60% of overall COVID-19 cases to date have been Hispanic. Of the 274 total deaths reported to date, over a third have been associated with long-term care facilities.
State of Texas complete COVID-19 data breakdown


Data as of 6/10/2020 @3:45 PM:

Total Tests: 1,348,893 (Up +46,844)

Total Viral Tests: 1,161,087 (Up +13,732) : Of Today's Tests only 29.3% were Viral Tests. Not Good.

Only 86.1% of Total Tests are Viral Tests the other 13.9% of tests are the useless
Antibody Tests

Cases Reported: 79,757 (Up +2,504) : Highest daily case count increase and first time over 2,000. Not Good.

Fatalities: 1,885 (Up +32)

Texas tests per 1M population are 46,520 (Up +1,615) which places Texas as the 9th worst State. Up two places from yesterday.

Click this link: and on the page click the Tests / 1M pop column twice to sort from worst to first

They are using roughly 28.996 million as the population of Texas.

Texas is mixing Viral and Antibody Tests in the total test numbers which is very bad as Antibody Tests are useless in determining if someone has the Coronavirus.

As of today the real number of Total Viral Tests for Texas is 1,161,087 which works out to be 40,043 per 1M population so Texas is really the 4th worst state in testing
Florida's streak continues with 1371 new cases for Wednesday, so its 8 days easily over 1.1K new cases on average, possibly over 1.2K average. I can't math this early in the day.

I also read that they, Florida, are reporting substantial amount of deaths as pneumonia instead of COVID19 to keep their numbers looking low. Something to the tune of over 5300 deaths. I'll see if I can find the material again.

Edit: The deaths are supposed to be coded with both causes, covid19 and pneumonia but a lot of them are not, considering only 2803 Covid19 deaths are listed. So they are undercounted for sure.
Recent article covering disparity of pneumonia deaths reported:

Politifact deemed earlier reports as false, but were unable to square how so many more deaths happened than usual. So if only half of the pneumonia ones were indeed dual-coded cause of death, when they likely should be over 4.5K, there would be far higher official covid19 deaths for Florida.
Ohio's testing is up at 10.6K, incredibly pathetic to what they had planned in May. The trends continue to be on the lower side but rising towards the average, especially once the large numbers drop off the 21 day rolling average.

Here is the trends which is using reported date and not arbitrary and incorrectly identified user reported onset date. This graphic is resized by ~ 75% and taken from the State's Current Trends page:


Here is the raw data for the last few days:


Date; Total Tests; New Tests; Tests per 1M Population; Total Cases; Cuyahoga County Cases; Hospitalizations; Total Deaths; New Cases; New Hospitalizations; New Deaths
2020-05-19; 277,602; 7,561; 23,749; 28,952; 3,463; 5,117; 1,720; 498; 119; 63
2020-05-20; 287,609; 10,007; 24,605; 29,436; 3,512; 5,198; 1,781; 484; 81; 61
2020-05-21; 297,085; 9,476; 25,416; 30,167; 3,667; 5,295; 1,836; 731; 97; 55
2020-05-22; 305,764; 8,679; 26,158; 30,794; 3,762; 5,379; 1,872; 627; 84; 36
2020-05-23; 314,374; 8,610; 26,895; 31,408; 3,851; 5,437; 1,956; 614; 58; 84
2020-05-24; 322,419; 8,045; 27,583; 31,911; 3,927; 5,476; 1,969; 503; 39; 13
2020-05-25; 330,334; 7,915; 28,260; 32,477; 3,963; 5,511; 1,987; 566; 35; 18
2020-05-26; 337,221; 6,887; 28,849; 33,006; 4,060; 5,579; 2,002; 529; 68; 15
2020-05-27; 347,477;10,256; 29,727; 33,439; 4,137; 5,700; 2,044; 433; 121; 42
2020-05-28;    357,722;    10,245;    30,603;    33,915;    4,211;    5,811;    2,098;    476;    111;    54
2020-05-29;    367,526;    9,804;    31,442;    34,566;    4,318;    5,947;    2,131;    651;    136;    33
2020-05-30;    379,552;    12,026;    32,471;    35,034;    4,369;    6,011;    2,149;    468;    64;    18
2020-05-31;    388,468;    8,916;    33,234;    35,513;    4,444;    6,049;    2,155;    479;    38;    6
2020-06-01;    398,066;    9,598;    34,055;    35,984;    4,508;    6,112;    2,206;    471;    63;    51
2020-06-02;    407,450;    9,384;    34,858;    36,350;    4,581;    6,176;    2,258;    366;    64;    52
2020-06-03;    423,521;    16,071;    36,232;    36,792;    4,669;    6,251;    2,299;    442;    75;    41
2020-06-04;    434,608;    11,087;    37,181;    37,282;    4,732;    6,312;    2,339;    490;    61;    40
2020-06-05;    443,533;    8,925;    37,944;    37,758;    4,789;    6,385;    2,355;    476;    73;    16
2020-06-06;    455,823;    12,290;    38,996;    38,111;    4,827;    6,460;    2,370;    353;    75;    15
2020-06-07;    466,279;    10,456;    39,890;    38,476;    4,858;    6,497;    2,377;    365;    37;    7
2020-06-08;    473,988;    7,709;    40,550;    38,837;    4,910;    6,550;    2,404;    361;    53;    27
2020-06-09;    487,583;    13,595;    41,713;    39,162;    4,939;    6,620;    2,421;    325;    70;    17
2020-06-10;    499,019;    11,436;    42,691;    39,575;    5,011;    6,693;    2,457;    413;    73;    36
2020-06-11;    509,699;    10,680;    43,605;    40,004;    5,057;    6,753;    2,490;    429;    60;    33
Florida really nailed it for today at 1698 new cases. The last 9 days with 11622 new cases, averaging 1291 per day.
Florida really nailed it for today at 1698 new cases. The last 9 days with 11622 new cases, averaging 1291 per day.
Do you have hospitalization numbers for florida? I heard they still had 25% capacity available on CNN, but I couldn't find the numbers in hospitals.
Do you have hospitalization numbers for florida? I heard they still had 25% capacity available on CNN, but I couldn't find the numbers in hospitals.

I have not seen any at all for Florida.

But I do know Florida is not as horrible as Arizona, where Arizona had to call a state of emergency because they're at or beyond limit as to how many require ventilation or intensive care.
I have not seen any at all for Florida.

But I do know Florida is not as horrible as Arizona, where Arizona had to call a state of emergency because they're at or beyond limit as to how many require ventilation or intensive care.

Ok I found this. It actually seems like they've never flattened hospitalizations and it will be only a matter of time until they exceed capacity. A few weeks if they continue.
2019 Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19) for Dallas County Texas

June 11, 2020 - 13,257 confirmed cases - 277 deaths

13,257 confirmed cases up 312 and three new deaths
those 312 new cases represent a 2.4% increase over the last day

The 312 case increase is the all time high. Not Good.

Increases (by percent) over the last 77 days:
21.0%, 19.6%, 11.1%, 12.5%, 14.9%
-- Month of April 2020 --
15.8%, 13.7%, 10.8%, 10.2%, 9.6%, 3.9%, 9.2%, 5.0%, 8.2%, 7.3%, 7.0%, 4.8%, 3.8%, 5.0%, 5.8%,
4.0%, 6.0%, 6.1%, 4.5%, 3.5%, 3.6%, 3.1%, 3.0%, 2.6%, 2.6%, 3.6%, 3.0%, 4.3%, 3.5%, 5.3%
-- Month of May 2020 --
5.3%, 4.9%, 6.0%, 5.7%, 5.9%, 5.3%, 5.2%, 4.9%, 4.7%, 4.5%, 4.3%, 3.9%, 3.8%, 3.6%, 2.9%, 3.0%,
2.8%, 3.0%, 2.9%, 2.4%, 2.3%, 2.5%, 2.0%, 2.1%, 1.9%, 2.1%, 2.1%, 2.2%, 2.1%, 2.2%, 2.3%
-- Month of June 2020 --
2.2%, 2.5%, 2.2%, 2.6%, 2.7%, 2.5%, 2.2%, 2.1%, 2.4%, 2.4% and now 2.4%

Increases (by count) over the last 77 days:
+64, +72, +49, +61, +82
-- Month of April 2020 --
+100, +100, +90, +94, +97. +43, +106, +63, +108, +105, +107, +79, +65, +89, +109,
+80, +124, +134, +104, +84, +90, +81, +80, +71, +75, +105, +91, +135, +112, +179
-- Month of May 2020 --
+187, +181, +234, +237, +253, +246, +251, +249, +250, +251, +253, +236, +243, +235, +199, +214,
+205, +224, +225, +186, +183, +204, +172, +178, +171, +190, +197, +202, +200, +219, +228
-- Month of June 2020 --
+228, +257, +239, +285, +298, +289, +263, +254, +298, +300 and now +312

As of 11:00 am June 11, 2020, DCHHS is reporting 312 additional positive cases of 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19), bringing the total case count in Dallas County to 13,257, including 277 deaths.

The additional 3 deaths being reported today include:

  • A woman in her 50’s who was a resident of the City of Dallas. She had been critically ill in an area hospital, and had underlying high risk health conditions.
  • A man in his 60’s who was a resident of a long-term care facility in the City of Dallas. He had been critically ill in an area hospital, and had underlying high risk health conditions.
  • A man in his 70’s who was a resident of the City of Dallas. He had been critically ill in an area hospital, and had underlying high risk health conditions.
Of cases requiring hospitalization who reported employment, over 80% have been critical infrastructure workers, with a broad range of affected occupational sectors, including: healthcare, transportation, food and agriculture, public works, finance, communications, clergy, first responders and other essential functions.

Of cases requiring hospitalization, more than two-thirds have been under 65 years of age, and about half do not have any high-risk chronic health conditions. Diabetes has been an underlying high-risk health condition reported in about a third of all hospitalized patients with COVID-19.

The age-adjusted rates of confirmed COVID-19 cases in non-hospitalized patients have been highest among Hispanics (667.4 per 100,000), Asians (187.4 per 100,000) and Blacks (136.4 per 100,000). These rates have been higher than Whites (43.8 per 100,000). Over 60% of overall COVID-19 cases to date have been Hispanic.

Of the 277 total deaths reported to date, over a third have been associated with long-term care facilities.
State of Texas complete COVID-19 data breakdown


Data as of 6/11/2020 @5:00 PM:

Total Tests: 1,370,131 (Up +21,238)

Total Viral Tests: 1,206,320 (Up +45,233)

Only 88.0% of Total Tests are Viral Tests the other 12.0% of tests are the useless
Antibody Tests

Cases Reported: 81,583 (Up +1,826)

Fatalities: 1,920 (Up +35)

Texas tests per 1M population are 46,520 (Up +1,615) which places Texas as the 7th worst State. Down two places from yesterday.

Click this link: and on the page click the Tests / 1M pop column twice to sort from worst to first

They are using roughly 28.996 million as the population of Texas.

Texas is mixing Viral and Antibody Tests in the total test numbers which is very bad as Antibody Tests are useless in determining if someone has the Coronavirus.

As of today the real number of Total Viral Tests for Texas is 1,206,320 which works out to be 41,603 per 1M population so Texas is really the 4th worst state in testing
Houston Weighs Reimposing Lockdown, Sees ‘Precipice of Disaster’

(Bloomberg) -- Houston-area officials are “getting close” to reimposing stay-at-home orders and are prepared to reopen a Covid-19 hospital established but never used at a football stadium as virus cases expand in the fourth-largest U.S. city.

The announcement by Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo and Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner on Thursday came a day after the Lone Star state recorded its highest one-day tally of new cases since the pandemic emerged.

“We may be approaching the precipice of a disaster,” said Hidalgo, the highest-ranking county executive. “It’s out of hand right now. The good news is it’s not severe out of hand.”

The warnings of a worsening outbreak reinforced alarms sounded by national health officials over the risk of a second wave of infections beyond the initial U.S. hot spots led by New York and New Jersey. Texas has been among the states pushing hardest to ease lockdowns imposed during the first wave of a disease that has killed more than 113,000 Americans.

Harris County, which encompasses Houston and adjacent suburbs, has recorded 15,552 cases, almost one-fifth of the 81,583 statewide total, according to state health department data released Thursday.

In Texas, conditions are actually worse in Dallas, a city with almost 1 million fewer residents than Houston that’s had 2.6% more deaths, according to the state health department figures.

Harris County also instituted what it called a public health threat level assessment that will alert residents if conditions worsen or improve. The level remains at the second-highest on the four-tier scale.

The ad hoc medical facility opened at NRG Stadium on the city’s south side will be reestablished if pressure on the local hospital system becomes “severe,” Hidalgo said in a meeting with reporters.

Ok I found this. It actually seems like they've never flattened hospitalizations and it will be only a matter of time until they exceed capacity. A few weeks if they continue.
Hmm I'm not sure this is usable: it looks like the cumulative number of hospitalizations. We'd need the number of people leaving hospital to draw some conclusion. But I might be misreading it :)

EDIT: to clarify I was thinking about knowing how fast hospitals are getting closer to congestion.
Last edited:
Hmm I'm not sure this is usable: it looks like the cumulative number of hospitalizations. We'd need the number of people leaving hospital to draw some conclusion. But I might be misreading it :)

EDIT: to clarify I was thinking about knowing how fast hospitals are getting closer to congestion.

I realize now you need to subscribe to continue accessing the page, so feel free it ignore it.

I was just basing my post on the 1.97% growth in new hospitalizations, 472 total and the 25% capacity available from CNN.

There is a lot of guess there. All we have is hospitalization growth from Covid-19. There could be increasing capacity.
Florida really nailed it for today at 1698 new cases. The last 9 days with 11622 new cases, averaging 1291 per day.

Oh! That is the highest number of cases ever since the pandemic started for Florida. Not a good sign at all.
Ohio's testing is now open up to anyone who wants to see if they are currently sick with Viral testing. They are not doing any efforts to do any mass testing or focusing on trying to see who may be asymptomatic carriers. Nor are they doing any efforts to see who may have been sick previously through AntiBody testing. They're perfectly happy to put the blinders on and hope for the best.

Testing it at 11.1K. The trends continue to be on the lower side but rising towards the average, especially once the large numbers drop off the 21 day rolling average.

Lately Ohio has been hovering around the 1% new cases daily number, which means doubling around 63 days.

Here is the trends which is using reported date and not arbitrary and incorrectly identified user reported onset date. This graphic is resized by ~ 75% and taken from the State's Current Trends page:


Here is the raw data for the last few days:


Date; Total Tests; New Tests; Tests per 1M Population; Total Cases; Cuyahoga County Cases; Hospitalizations; Total Deaths; New Cases; New Hospitalizations; New Deaths
2020-05-19; 277,602; 7,561; 23,749; 28,952; 3,463; 5,117; 1,720; 498; 119; 63
2020-05-20; 287,609; 10,007; 24,605; 29,436; 3,512; 5,198; 1,781; 484; 81; 61
2020-05-21; 297,085; 9,476; 25,416; 30,167; 3,667; 5,295; 1,836; 731; 97; 55
2020-05-22; 305,764; 8,679; 26,158; 30,794; 3,762; 5,379; 1,872; 627; 84; 36
2020-05-23; 314,374; 8,610; 26,895; 31,408; 3,851; 5,437; 1,956; 614; 58; 84
2020-05-24; 322,419; 8,045; 27,583; 31,911; 3,927; 5,476; 1,969; 503; 39; 13
2020-05-25; 330,334; 7,915; 28,260; 32,477; 3,963; 5,511; 1,987; 566; 35; 18
2020-05-26; 337,221; 6,887; 28,849; 33,006; 4,060; 5,579; 2,002; 529; 68; 15
2020-05-27; 347,477;10,256; 29,727; 33,439; 4,137; 5,700; 2,044; 433; 121; 42
2020-05-28;    357,722;    10,245;    30,603;    33,915;    4,211;    5,811;    2,098;    476;    111;    54
2020-05-29;    367,526;    9,804;    31,442;    34,566;    4,318;    5,947;    2,131;    651;    136;    33
2020-05-30;    379,552;    12,026;    32,471;    35,034;    4,369;    6,011;    2,149;    468;    64;    18
2020-05-31;    388,468;    8,916;    33,234;    35,513;    4,444;    6,049;    2,155;    479;    38;    6
2020-06-01;    398,066;    9,598;    34,055;    35,984;    4,508;    6,112;    2,206;    471;    63;    51
2020-06-02;    407,450;    9,384;    34,858;    36,350;    4,581;    6,176;    2,258;    366;    64;    52
2020-06-03;    423,521;    16,071;    36,232;    36,792;    4,669;    6,251;    2,299;    442;    75;    41
2020-06-04;    434,608;    11,087;    37,181;    37,282;    4,732;    6,312;    2,339;    490;    61;    40
2020-06-05;    443,533;    8,925;    37,944;    37,758;    4,789;    6,385;    2,355;    476;    73;    16
2020-06-06;    455,823;    12,290;    38,996;    38,111;    4,827;    6,460;    2,370;    353;    75;    15
2020-06-07;    466,279;    10,456;    39,890;    38,476;    4,858;    6,497;    2,377;    365;    37;    7
2020-06-08;    473,988;    7,709;    40,550;    38,837;    4,910;    6,550;    2,404;    361;    53;    27
2020-06-09;    487,583;    13,595;    41,713;    39,162;    4,939;    6,620;    2,421;    325;    70;    17
2020-06-10;    499,019;    11,436;    42,691;    39,575;    5,011;    6,693;    2,457;    413;    73;    36
2020-06-11;    509,699;    10,680;    43,605;    40,004;    5,057;    6,753;    2,490;    429;    60;    33
2020-06-12;    520,813;    11,114;    44,556;    40,424;    5,112;    6,814;    2,508;    420;    61;    18
Florida nailed it extra hard today with 1902 new cases, bringing the 10 day streak with 13524 new cases, averaging 1352 per day.
I was just basing my post on the 1.97% growth in new hospitalizations, 472 total and the 25% capacity available from CNN.
The day to day variation is double digit percentages ... 1.97 has too many digits for significance by 3.

With elective surgeries resuming for a couple weeks already the ICU occupancy seems completely normal. The total deaths last week likely dipped below last years and is on course to do the same this week. I see no indication to think the second wave isn't just an artefact of severe undercounting early on.
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