Baseless Next Generation Rumors with no Technical Merits [post E3 2019, pre GDC 2020] [XBSX, PS5]

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He does not claim the PS5 is the most balanced one, though. In fact he implies the opposite, by saying the PS5 is the most powerful but you can't notice any difference because the other (i.e. SeriesX) is more balanced.
His point about the 'most powerful' and 'balance' wasn't about either console but about attitudes. I just used PS5 as an example because it's the TF fight everyone's most 'worried' about. and it better fits the narrative of the first post.

I just don't agree with your interpretation that BGs isn't claiming that the PS5 is the more powerful console specs-wise and SeriesX is the most balanced (or the one using clever tricks like upscaling and variable rate shading to make up for it), because it seems to me that he clearly is.
That's from the second post. The first post, the one I'm talking about, didn't point to any machine being more powerful and was deliberately avoiding that because the message wasn't "one of these consoles is better" but "it doesn't matter what the TFs, are, you'll barely notice any difference."

We can tilt the lost-in-translation-ness either way, so I suggest we just don't.
You'd expect a broad message to be more accurate than specific words. The English is good and the ideas well presented. I just wouldn't go so far to put weight onto specific words as you have.

As for PS5 being slightly more powerful, that does also go a bit against the other info we have or expect in terms of cost and sales. To date, the principle theory for the consoles if they're different performance levels was something like a $500 12 TF XBSX and a $400 9 TF PS5. Now if PS5 is ≥ 12 TFs, we'd expect it to be priced similarly to XBSX. If that's $500, then how does Sony intend this to be the fastest transition for PS ever? Surely at that price, it won't sell as quickly as PS4? If it's $400, PS5 might well be the fastest selling platform, but then is it reasonable to think a 12 TF box can be built and sold for $400?

In my mind, there is no clear pointer to PS5's performance. There are two reasonable, conflicting theories, each with enough to support and undermine them to make them adequately believable and rejectable. One side is supported by solid data without context, and the other from personalities some people trust.
This is from a known spanish VR developer that has seen both XSX and PS5 devkits and has being vetted (as real developer) on both gaf and era.
Yes, he's been posting on resetera - adding clarification to his statements since they went very public. And it's worth stating loudly, the the statement was about the performance (not absolute GPU) power and is in the context of devkits.

Later devkits and final hardware may tell a different story.

I hate this thread, it's such as shitshow and half the people don't seem to realise it's intended to be a shitshow, the goal being to to keep the crazy out of the other threads.

Beside the price question, there is still the unknown RT performance we don't know even if github leak is complete and up to date.
It's just too early to be seriously disappointed about a 'slow' PS5, or an 'overpriced' XBSX. (I guess there would be actually more complaints about the latter - just those people do not hang out on tech forums.)

Even if they would tell us accurate specs today, we still don't know because there is no standard measure about RT performance yet. MRays/sec is scene dependent, and there is no common scene.

Now i'm not sure how much impact RT will have at all, but to me the only way to compare real world gfx performance is to watch the trailers they will show us. If jaw drops it's fast if not it's slow.
Why would a spanish VR developer have any XSX info in the first place?

Because the development community actually talks among themselves? Or, his development house actually has XBSX development kits for future unannounced projects Microsoft could possibly be working on.
Because the development community actually talks among themselves? Or, his development house actually has XBSX development kits for future unannounced projects Microsoft could possibly be working on.
Development house for Xbox where Xbox sells 0? I have doubts.
Now i'm not sure how much impact RT will have at all, but to me the only way to compare real world gfx performance is to watch the trailers they will show us. If jaw drops it's fast if not it's slow.
Could this be it? Could it be that Sony is waiting to have the shock and awe jaw dropping trailers in hand before announcing? Make sense, especially if a big part of your pitch is that you traded some raw TF's for dedicated RT silicon. For that to work you'll need to bring it with results and with more than just a render target. The enemy is not MS it's meh and the first impression is vital. Still, March 12th is pretty much a hard date you can't go past and every day between now and then is a day that can wreck your entire market pitch so you delay at your peril. Even if they have about the same raw TF's as Xsx nothing really changes as you're still trying to seal the deal though the trailers don't need to be so shocky.

Fun times, I enjoy this stuff as much as the techy shit.
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