Movie Reviews 2.0

UP. Beautiful movie.
Liked it but I didn't feel it was doing as much story-wise as some other Pixar movies. I have it on Blu-ray, I don't think I've every watched it a third time (1. cinema, 2nd Blu-ray + extras etc). Definitely sentimental and touching, though.

I think that is the problem. The opening is absolutely amazing, then it just settles and never gets close to that high again.

I enjoyed the rest of the movie too, but yeah, it's nowhere near the calibre of that intro.

Excuse me, sirs

but when
Carl opens the album at the end and realises what's inside, my wig fell off.
Its a movie about a homicidal car tyre :neutral:

I think it might be genius & an instant classic? o_O
Nobody seen once upon a time in Hollywood yet?

Went to see it yesterday and thought it was good though maybe a bit different from. Tarrantino's other movies?

For the most part you just see two guys going about their life and then it all comes together towards the end with the usual over the top violence. Liked the music and cars/driving shots as well.

No kill bill but enjoyable not the less.
Artificial Intelligence. I kinda liked it in the sense that it felt extremely creepy and discomforting and this is what it was supposed to convey, I guess. However, the end felt like a drug trip of some kind. I know the story is much like a tale, almost fantasy, but the ending was a bit too much, IMO.