Making gluten and lactose free chicken tenders.


Someone didn't believe me when I told them how I make tenders for my family, so I did a pictorial on it along with a bit of video. Didn't know if anyone would be interested or care, but figured since I went to the trouble I might as well post it up here in case anyone finds it entertaining/interesting. :p

Oh, and it was the first time I tried making pictures public on imgur so I goofed it up and it's in two albums...sorry. 1st album of picts, second album, and the video my daughter shot thinking she'd be editing out the conversation before I posted it.

Not meant to be instructional or anything, just meant to show a few folks a bit of my daily routine and I thought y'all might find it interesting in a pathetic sort of way. :)
Life of Digi


Is this a food thread now

wtf is gluten
Pretty much poison to people with Celiac's disease, which we found out about a year ago my daughter suffers from and that's why she had been having such stomach issues. Been learning how to cook/live without 'em, it's not easy but man has it made a difference in her health/attitude for the better!

My wife is allergic to the whey in milk, so instead of milk and eggs I use milk and water. Not that big a deal, just use more eggs. :)